the cohort of the Catalyst lab 5th edition
the cohort of the Catalyst lab 4th edition
How can we craft a future that is both inclusive and sustainable, taking into account intersectionality and people's diverse histories?
How can we collectively transform today's fragmented and limited children's food education into a holistic and integrated approach?
What is truly needed during this era of planetary and societal transformation? How can we effectively address those needs?
How can we leverage data to benefit the majority, rather than a privileged few?
How can we bring about and facilitate lasting change in a complex and constantly evolving world?
How can we make it easier for people to connect with nature and themselves? How can we encourage individuals to take care of their mind and body while fostering a deeper connection with nature?
How can we cultivate genuine interest and connection among people?
How can we contribute to social transformation by creating engaging spaces and connecting people in fun and enjoyable ways?
How can we encourage people at a local level to take responsibility for the pressing issues of the present moment and their sustainable future in a fun and constructive way?
How can we as a human collective reach more social harmony/equality, reduce discrimination, and contribute to global peace? How can international cooperation, the business world, and policies contribute to this goal?
How can we prevent the emergence of prejudices? What are the most harmful prejudices, and how can we eliminate their negative impact?
the cohort of the Catalyst lab 3rd edition
How can organic gardening help children, youth and adults to actively work towards sustainability?
How can we create a powerful, sustainable and enabling learning environment for all through a holistic approach?
How to make (business) students responsible agents for change transforming business towards a force for good?
How can we strengthen nature-based education and nature-based learning in early childhood in order to contribute to a successful relationship with nature and more nature conservation?
How do we support all societal players in seeing & seizing their chance to initialize change?
How do we foster a new responsibility and life-affirming relationship with ourselves and the Earth together?
How can we identify, unleash and celebrate the capabilities of each human and organization to thrive together whilst regenerating life on Earth?
How can we nurture emerging decentralised systems for financial inclusion and balanced societies?
How would the world shift if we could let go of our need to be different, to stand out and instead simply be who we are?
How might we enable organisations and communities to rally behind a common purpose that benefits all of society and the planet?
How can we empower youth to take meaningful, impactful and positive actions?
How can sustainability (continue to) be positioned as a form of status, in order to leverage this powerful social driver? At the same time, what pitfalls may be inherent in using an egoic type motivator for this outcome?
How can this world be shaped more harmoniously and just for every living being?
How can we identify inequalities in the life game, get to the interconnected root that makes them possible and change the conditions in which we are playing?
How might we enable and prepare people across sectors and levels of society to collaborate and empower one another for positive change?
How can we reshape the production to consumption chain to align our behaviour to the exigencies of our environmental and societal surrounding?
How can we, as a society, enhance our collective capacity to reshape the Swiss food system and promote regenerative business practices?
the cohort of the Catalyst lab 2nd edition
Wie können wir eine nachhaltige Energieproduktion sicherstellen und das Konzept der Kreislaufwirtschaft in die verschiedenen Branchen und Arbeitsbereiche integrieren?
How do we create a zero CO2 society based on the principles of climate justice?
How can we shape the education of the future and integrate important skills such as mindfulness into schools?
What does it take to make all our environments inclusive and just, and how can we empower each individual to bring about change?
How can we create incentives for sustainable and future-oriented entrepreneurship in Switzerland?
How can we make the Swiss food system a source of sustainable food that serves people, animals and the planet?
How can we as a society develop collective compassion and integrity to heal and transform violence?
What does Swiss society need today to feel empowered to act in a climate-friendly, sustainable manner?
How can we empower immigrants to proactively face their challenges and feel empowered to act?
How do we create an environment in Switzerland that makes it easier for migrant women to earn a living?
How can we inform people about climate-damaging behavior and at the same time point out attractive alternatives for action?
How can we anchor SDGs in the work with children, adolescents and young adults and co-shape the future with the next generation?
How do we develop social innovations so that our society is ready to shape a sustainable future together?
How can the world of work contribute to a future with more ecological responsibility, humanity and the common good?
What does a prevention-oriented, sustainable and purpose-based health care system in Switzerland look like?
How can we together strengthen and accelerate the impact of our work to contribute to the world we carry in our hearts?
How can we inspire each other to transition to a circular economy through a mindset shift and deep collaborations?
How can the economy be transformed so that it makes a responsible contribution to a regenerative ecosystem, taking into account planetary boundaries and social requirements?
the cohort of the Catalyst lab 1st edition
Wie können wir Akteure aus Verwaltung und Privatwirtschaft mit der lokalen Bevölkerung zusammenbringen, um die Zukunft Luzerns zu gestalten?
Wie können lokale Initiativen den systemischen Wandel in der Bildung bestmöglich unterstützen?
Comment soutenir l'émergence d'un nouveau paradigme économique durable au sein des PME suisses?
Wie können wir Chancengleichheit erreichen und das psychische Wohlbefinden der Jugendlichen in der Schweiz verbessern?
Wie können wir dazu beitragen, ein neues, integrales und zukunftsorientiertes Lernumfeld zu schaffen?
How can we foster true inclusion and unlock the potential for diversity in organisations?
Wie können wir die Menschen aus der Region in die Lage versetzen, zu einem Wandel hin zu einem nachhaltigeren und sozial gerechteren Basel beizutragen?
Wie können wir die Energie eines Ortes nutzen, um eine Vision für die Menschheit zu erschaffen, die einen kollektiven Wandel bewirken kann?
Wie gelingt es uns gemeinsam, über den nötigen Wandel nicht nur zu sprechen, sondern ihn zu leben?
Wie können wir den Wandel zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit in den Schweizer Gemeinden als Bottom-up-Ansatz der gesellschaftlichen Transformation unterstützen?
Wie können wir Gemeinden und Politikern eine Kultur des Dialogs vermitteln?
How can we engage academia and civil society in creating a sustainable future?
Wie können wir in Zusammenarbeit mit KMUs das Potenzial einer integrativen Wirtschaft identifizieren?
Wie können wir Kinder und Jugendliche, die durch alle Strukturen fallen, tatsächlich unterstützen und diese Erkenntnisse für den systemischen Wandel nutzen?
How can we promote and protect the physical, mental and social well-being of all in times of the climate crisis?

Yvette Zepherin Issar

Simon Kogler

Olaf Simon

Noemi Heuberger

Nico Philips

Natalia Bayurova

Myrto Vandersee

Milena Eberharter

Matthias Goldenberger

Manfred Franz Teuber

Lukrezia Walker

Khulan Berger

Jessyca Isidoro

Francesca Paoletti

Elsa Hoessli

Beth Durent

Anny Barbey
How can we craft a future that is both inclusive and sustainable, taking into account intersectionality and people's diverse histories?

Charlotte Bourcet
How can we collectively transform today's fragmented and limited children's food education into a holistic and integrated approach?

Alexandra Choutko
What is truly needed during this era of planetary and societal transformation? How can we effectively address those needs?

Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell
Do you want to change?