Yvette Zepherin Issar
Yvette Zepherin Issar (GE)
Organisation, project or network: The Olerai Lab
Sector(s) actively engaging in: Academia and Research, Civil Society, Network or Community
The UN sustainability goals she promotes:
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16), Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17)
Yvette Issar is an international lawyer with sixteen years of expertise spanning international humanitarian law, disarmament and multilateral affairs. She has held positions at the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the University of Geneva, from which she earned her Ph.D. in International Law. Yvette has always been a bridge-builder, facilitating connections between people, individuals, themes and disciplines. Reflecting her commitment to promoting systemic transformation, she recently founded and directs The Olerai Lab – a company dedicated to fostering innovative, interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships for a safer and more sustainable world. Recognising the interconnectedness of personal healing and collective change, Yvette is currently pursuing specialised training in analytical psychology.