Help us co-create
the Switzerland we want to live in!

Take a stance for a more sustainable and socially just Switzerland
by supporting our work!

collaboratio helvetica is a non-profit and confessionally neutral organisation in service of the common good, especially making the Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a reality in Switzerland. Your support can help us do this work in the most impactful and efficient way possible.

Today, we are a growing community of co-creators of various backgrounds, united by a common mission to work towards the implementation of the SDGs, regenerating the Swiss culture of collaboration. We explore and cultivate the internal, organisational and systemic conditions for collaboration. This spirit of cooperation allows us to unleash untapped potential in the spaces “between” different actors, ways of working, organisations and institutions.

There are 2 different ways in which you can support us:


To make a donation:


collaboratio helvetica
Mattenhofstrasse 5
3007 Bern

Account number: CH96 0900 0000 6189 9518 8
Bank: PostFinance
Notice: “Donation”

Collaboratio helvetica has been recognized by the Cantonal Tax Office Bern as an association which pursues charitable aims. Donations to charitable organizations qualify for tax deductions in most cantons.

Scan the QR code or click here to Twint.


Big thank you for your support!

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Our funders

Are you a foundation, philanthropist or another type of organisation seeking to allocate funds or build collaborations to reach your goals? We work together with innovative partners from all sectors who see the importance of this kind of collaborative work and are ready to step up to meet the challenges of our time.

If you are interested in partnering with us, reach out. Find out below the funders who have supported us throughout our journey:


collaboratio helvetica is a tax-exempted non-profit association under Swiss law.
You can read our statutes here and our privacy policy here.

We welcome all donations small and big. They help us grow beyond the initiating funding we are building on thanks to our funders.

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