First edition of the Catalyst Lab
In autumn 2019, we launched the first future laboratory for Switzerland, the Catalyst Lab. Here you will find all about the first Catalyst Lab cohort and their impact!
Are you our next Catalyst? Signal your interest here.
Catalyst experiences

Catalyst Lab happenings
Catalysts about their projects
Anna Krebs
Gender Dialogue Spark (SDG5)
Leslie Burkhalter & Eliane Kern | Nachhaltige Städte (SDGs 12 & 14)
Andreas Dutli | Économie alignée à l’humain (SDGs 8 & 9)
Markus Roos - THES im Effinger, Bern - CoCreAction Space for education (SDG4/9)
Simon Gisler
Nachhaltige Städte (SDG 11/16)
Bea Albermann - intensively engaged in advocacy work regarding the consequences of climate change on human health. (SDGs 3 & 13)
"Only few people know that climate change is considered the greatest health challenge of the 21st century. Currently, more people die every year worldwide from the consequences of air pollution than from smoking. And the current system with its environmental consequences also affects the mental health."
- Bea Albermann (ZH) - SDG 3 & 13
The medical student Bea Albermann is a WHO delegate of the Swiss Medical Students' Association and Youth Delegate at the Federal Office of Public Health. She is particularly committed to sustainability goals in the context of health issues. As co-founder of Health For Future Switzerland, part of the Fridays For Future movement and lead of the working group One Health, Bea is working to raise awareness of the impact of climate change on health.
Catalysts talk about their experience:
What inspired the Catalyst Lab? by Nora Wilhelm:
See the full cohort here:
"The Catalyst Lab offered me the opportunity to learn and apply innovative and effective methods for transformation and to sharpen my vision together with like-minded people.”
- Nils Landolt (GL) - SGDs 4 & 16
The 31-year-old Nils Landolt from Näfels is a teacher and experienced digitisation enthusiast. Above all he likes to break up questionable and old patterns. He sees the digital transformation as a great opportunity to bring the needs of children into harmony with the demands of the working world. Together with his wife Hanna he is currently founding the LernHaus Sole, a place for children, which accompanies them in their uniqueness, curiosity and colourful liveliness. The LernHaus Sole is intended to be a contact point for lifelong learning and a future laboratory for the people in Glarus.