Silvano Lieger
How can we make the Swiss food system a source of sustainable food that serves people, animals and the planet?
Silvano Lieger (ZH)
Current field of activity: Executive Director at Sentience Politics. Public Affairs Manager at Planted
UNO sustainability goals:
Ending hunger, achieving food security and better nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture (SDG 2)
Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12)
Take immediate action to combat climate change and its effects (SDG 13)
Silvano Lieger is Executive Director at Sentience Politics, a political organisation with the goal of carrying the interests of non-human animals into the mainstream of society. The organisation's vision is a society in which non-human animals are protected from suffering as fully as possible. He's currently involved in two different ballot initiatives on a national and cantonal level and frequently engages in international discourse around his topic. Together with his team and external stakeholders from different sectors, Silvano wants to contribute to a systemic change in the food system – working towards a more sustainable system that is good for humans, animals and the planet. He is also a board member of Global Shapers Zurich, a TEDx speaker and a columnist for a national media outlet.
Sentience Politics
Sentience Politics trägt die Interessen nicht-menschlicher Tiere in die Mitte der Gesellschaft. Wir möchten durch institutionelle Veränderungen dafür sorgen, dass auch das Leid nicht-menschlicher Tiere möglichst effektiv minimiert wird. Dafür arbeiten wir insbesondere mit den direktdemokratischen Mitteln, die uns in der Schweiz zur Verfügung stehen – namentlich Initiativen auf kommunaler, kantonaler und nationaler Ebene.
Protein Lab
The Protein Lab follows the Social Innovation Laboratories model of change and will be a collaborative undertaking with collaboratio helvetica and the Bern University of Applied Sciences. The model involves looking at the root causes of complex social problems rather than just treating the symptoms. In this case, we want to understand the factors that are hindering the much-needed shift away from traditional agriculture. Following an open and non-prescriptive model, we look forward to learning from the participants around the question: How can we accelerate the protein transition in Switzerland, and what are the leverage points where we can affect the most change?
A dialogue close to my heart, Silvano Lieger, collaboratio helvetica, 2.2.2021
• Protein Lab – Ein Startschuss für die Beschleunigung der Proteinwende 08.2023