Loukina Tille
How do we create a zero CO2 society based on the principles of climate justice?
Loukina Tille (VD)
Current field of activity: Member of the climate movement and student
UN sustainability goals:
To take immediate action to combat climate change and its effects (SDG 13)
Loukina Tille has been active in the Climate Strike movement since 2018 working at various levels:local, cantonal, national and international. She was involved in the organization of SMILE in August 2019, which brought together 400 young climate activists from 38 countries. Loukina Tille would like to deepen her understanding of systemic connections and system change and further improve her action and communication skills. With the climate strike movement, Loukina wants to contribute to halting global warming as far as possible and creating a zero-CO2 society that follows the principles of climate justice.
«D’Elle à Elle». Loukina Tille parle de ses motivations à s'engager pour la planète dans le podcast de la Commission fédérale pour les questions féminines (CFQF). Podcast
«GIRLS TAKEOVER». Lukina Tille eröffnet am 11. Oktober 2021 zusammen mit Alain Berset den Sonderkongress der Weltmeteorologie-Organisation WMO. Im Interview stellt sie sich vor. Interview Video