Leticia Cordero Mote
How can we identify inequalities in the life game, get to the interconnected root that makes them possible and change the conditions in which we are playing?
Leticia Cordero Mote (BE)
Current field of activity: Artist & Director, Wide at Heart
The UN sustainability goals he promotes:
Ensure a healthy life for all people of all ages and promote their well-being (SDG 3)
Reducing inequality within and between countries (SDG 10)
Leticia Cordero Mote is currently studying for a PhD in Art. She is interested in teamwork, with a focus on consent and horizontality. She practices theatre and is a performance-oriented thinker. The performativity of words and mime moves her deeply. As slow as ever, she dreams of a snail waking up after a long sleep of hibernation while someone rubs its back. This more-than-human entity encourages walking at one's own pace, unhurried and trusting the path. She has been exploring polyvagal theory, small gestures towards a pedagogy of care and metabolic intimacy, as a relationship of vital interconnectedness.