

Collaboratio helvetica supports the collective capacity to create, design and hold meaningful spaces and processes for collaboration. We are harvesting the learnings from all we do and share these openly. These tools that we use in our different projects are made available open source. This toolbox provides awareness based tools & methods for understanding and implementing system change includes a variety of conceptual frameworks, methodologies, and practical tools. They are structured by the following key components:

This toolbox is not exhaustive, and the specific tools and approaches will vary depending on the context and nature of the system being addressed. Flexibility, creativity, and an iterative approach to problem-solving are essential for navigating the complexities of system change effectively.


Search in our toolbox:

Systems Thinking

Stakeholder Mapping

Problem mapping

Purpose & vision

Awareness, ethics & equity

Theories of Change

Mapping Interventions & Strategies

& Co-creation

Organisational Learning

Communication & Advocacy

Cultural & Behavioural Change

Capacity Building

To serve the purpose of collaboration and co-creation, we share our materials and learnings in the domain of the Creative Commons, under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.