Walter Zueck
Walter Zueck (ZH)
Organisation, project or network: Co-Liv
Sector(s) actively engaging in: Business
The UN sustainability goals he promotes:
Sustainable cities and communities (SDG11)
Responsible consumption and production (SDG12)
Walter Zueck has been the national ambassador of Co-Liv since 2020, where he animates the co-living network in Switzerland. He holds a degree in Hotel Management and is certified in Inclusive Placemaking. After lifelong experience in the sector of tourism in Italy, Switzerland, France, the UK, and the USA, Walter has witnessed a drastic change in collaboration models, identifying higher platform dependency, technologisation, and process complexity as the main challenges to fruitful and sustainable collaboration. Walter believes in authentic collaboration models with a fair share of value creation. He is committed to cultivating appreciation between stakeholders and fostering an “alliance of the willing” – a culture of fair work relations that releases the potential of a sustainable economy.