Prends position pour une Suisse plus durable et socialement juste en soutenant notre travail !
collaboratio helvetica est une organisation à but non lucratif et non confessionnelle qui travaille à la mise en œuvre de l'Agenda 2030 en Suisse. Pour nous permettre de travailler de manière aussi ciblée et efficace que possible afin de contribuer aux 17 objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies, nous comptons sur les dons.
En tant que communauté croissante de personnes engagées issues de milieux divers, nous sommes unis par une mission commune : nous défendons une Suisse écologiquement responsable et humainement engagée pour le bien commun. Avec cet objectif en tête, nous développons ensemble des espaces pour une nouvelle forme de coopération, explorons les causes des défis sociaux de notre époque, défendons un changement de perspective, remettons en question les paradigmes existants et nous soutenons mutuellement dans nos projets. Ce faisant, nous créons un espace pour différentes voix et perspectives et sommes guidés par une approche participative.
Il y a 2 façons différentes de nous soutenir :
Pour faire un don :
collaboratio helvetica
Mattenhofstrasse 5
3007 Bern
Numéro de compte: CH96 0900 0000 6189 9518 8
Banque: PostFinance
Note "Donation"
collaboratio helvetica a été reconnue par l'Office cantonal des impôts de Berne comme une association poursuivant des objectifs non lucratifs. Les dons aux organisations caritatives sont déductibles des impôts dans la plupart des cantons.
Merci beaucoup pour ton soutien !
Nos financeur·euse·s
Êtes-vous une fondation, un philanthrope ou un autre type d'organisation cherchant à allouer des fonds ou à établir des collaborations pour atteindre vos objectifs ? Nous travaillons avec des partenaires innovants de tous les secteurs qui voient l'importance de ce type de collaboration et sont prêts à s'engager pour relever les défis de notre époque.
Si tu es intéressé par un partenariat avec nous, contacte-nous. Découvre ci-dessous les financeurs qui nous ont soutenus tout au long de notre parcours :
Stiftung Mercator Schweiz is committed to a cosmopolitan and engaged society that treats the environment responsibly and offers young people the opportunity to develop their potential. That is why they promote and initiate projects in the areas of education, communication, participation and the environment.
The Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE is the federal government's specialist authority for issues relating to spatial development, mobility policy and sustainable development. It works together with the cantons and municipalities. In its work, ARE follows the vision that Switzerland's territory should be shaped in a sustainable manner and that ARE should play a decisive role in steering this development. Collaboratio helvetica was supported under the Sustainable Development 2018-2019 funding programme for dialogue projects in municipalities. ARE has also assumed patronage for collaboratio helvetica’s Catalyst Lab - Switzerland's future laboratory.
Schweizerische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft (SGG) / Swiss Society for the Common Good (SSCG)
Since its founding in 1810, the SSCG has supported persons and families affected by poverty. The SSCG promotes civic and voluntary engagement The SSCG is committed to the social cohesion The SSCG donated the Rütli to the Swiss Confederation in 1860 and organizes the Federal Feast there on August 1st. The SSCG strengthens values with a new text of the national anthem
The Leopold Bachmann Foundation is committed to the central idea of empowering individuals globally, so that they can lead a self-determined life and make a valuable contribution to their community and environment. For that reason they promote programs in education, civil society, entrepreneurship & innovation and ecological agriculture & regional development. The Leopold Bachmann Foundation aims at identifying programs and projects that transcend more than one of the focus areas and thus provide a more holistic solution to current challenges.
The foundation supports the FSC process, because they want to be part of creating the conditions that enable change to happen in today’s interconnected world.
The 3FO Foundation facilitates sustainable development of people and organisations and supports projects in the areas of personal development, child-parent, environmental awareness, cooperation and conflict transformation. Those who set out to sustainably improve our living conditions need courage, ideas and a thirst for action.
collaboratio helvetica was initiated with support from the Migros Pioneer Fund. The Migros Pioneer Fund supports pioneering projects that contribute to social change. The development fund was founded in 2012 as a voluntary commitment by the companies of the Migros Group. With its independent approach, the Migros Pioneer Fund supplements the funding activities of the Migros Culture Percentage.
The vision of the Volkart Foundation is a society in which people live together respectfully, form educated opinions and care for the environment.For generations, the Volkart Foundation has supported projects and institutions that foster a sense of community within society, promote unconventional approaches and create public spaces for reflection.
The Hirschmann Foundation is a non-profit Swiss foundation. The foundation promotes vocational education and training, research and science, development cooperation and social goals.
The foundation has supported different cycles of The Catalyst Lab.
The BKW Group is an internationally active company that offers energy and infrastructure services. They are organised as a strong network and are committed to achieving the Agenda 2030 with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). They support collaboratio helvetica because they consider themselves as an active part of a society undergoing transformation. BKW and collaboratio helvetica can learn from each other and work together on solutions for a future worth living.
A Switzerland that is fit for the future depends on competent and responsible people who are committed to the common good when they determine and steer the destiny of Switzerland as citizens and as leaders in business, science, politics and administration.
The prerequisites for the development of young people into holistic thinking and acting personalities are not given a priori. The Foundation Wegweiser therefore wants to create opportunities for adolescents to build social awareness and personality qualities that strengthen their commitment to society and the environment.
The Arthur Waser Foundation is a non-profit, private foundation under Swiss law based in Lucerne. It was founded in 2000 by Arthur Waser and established in his will as his future sole heir. It is politically and denominationally independent.
The foundation uses its funds in two priority regions and three thematic areas. In the four African countries Tanzania, Ghana, Ethiopia and soon also Angola, the foundation pursues an education strategy in close cooperation with African partner organizations, especially congregations. In Switzerland, the foundation supports institutions and projects related to the central Swiss cantons of Lucerne, Schwyz, Uri, Obwalden and Nidwalden in the fields of arts & culture and social affairs
The Georg and Bertha Schwyzer-Winiker Foundation has been awarding grants to social, cultural, scientific and environmental projects and organizations in the canton of Zurich since 1999. Their vision: the canton of Zurich as an attractive place to live, engage in entrepreneurship and learn, a place where all its residents have a chances to participate with the same opportunities.
The Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE) promotes gender equality in all areas of life and work to eliminate all forms of direct or indirect discrimination. Among other things, the FOGE supports projects that promote equal opportunities for women and men in working life through grants. FOGE has supported the Gender Lab of collaboratio helvetica as well as a prototype developed from it (workshops in organisations and companies).
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Switzerland mobilizes universities, research centers, civil society organizations, business and other knowledge centers to create and implement transformative solutions to achieve the Agenda 2030 and Paris Agreement in Switzerland and beyond.
The DROSOS FOUNDATION empowers disadvantaged children, adolescents and young adults to realise their full potential. The foundation promotes their life and professional skills, helping them to find their way to economic and social independence.
The Paul Schiller Foundation is established for the purpose of creating, operating or promoting charitable works of all kinds.
collaboratio helvetica est une association à but non lucratif exonérée d'impôts et régie par le droit suisse. Tu peux lire nos statuts ici et notre politique de confidentialité ici.
Nous apprécions tous les dons, petits et grands. Ils nous aident à grandir au-delà du financement de départ sur lequel nous comptons grâce à nos soutiens.