Jasmin Hufschmid
Jasmin Hufschmid (ZG)
Organisation, project or network: Bio Suisse
Sector(s) actively engaging in: Education, Food & Business
The UN sustainability goals she promotes:
Responsible consumption and production (SDG12)
Climate action (SDG13)
Jasmin Hufschmid holds a B.A. in environmental engineering at the ZHAW, Switzerland, with a focus on climate change in Swiss agriculture. As climate project manager at Bio Suisse, she is responsible for implementing strategic steps towards a 2040 net zero goal. As a spokesperson for farmers, she also represents their interests with stakeholders and politicians. By designing and organising activities, events, and work groups, Jasmin aims to support farmers in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening their resilience in the face of a changing climate. Understanding and experiencing the complexity of the challenge, Jasmin is convinced that meaningful change must happen on a systemic level – in opposition to fast solutions that fail to address any of the root causes.