Florin Hasler
Florin Hasler (ZH)
Organisation, project or network: Opendata.ch, Prototype Fund Switzerland
Sector(s) actively engaging in: Business
The UN sustainability goals he promotes:
Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG9)
Responsible consumption and production (SDG12)
Florin Hasler is the director of Opendata.ch, a nonprofit organisation committed to using data, software, and knowledge for the common good. He holds a B.A. in communications and political science from the University of Zurich. After having worked in the fields of foreign politics and political communications, he found his passion to lie in technology-related advocacy and sustainability-driven innovation. As a program lead at Prototype Fund Switzerland, he supported developers, activists, and creatives, empowering open-source projects that add value to the common good. Florin is convinced that a more inclusive and participative approach is necessary to tackle today’s societal and climatic challenges. He is deeply engaged in making society more just and sustainable by providing open knowledge, promoting collaboration within the data ecosystem, and using technology to support decarbonization.