How can we promote and protect the physical, mental and social well-being of all in times of the climate crisis?

Bea Albermann (ZH)

Current field of activity: medical student, member of the health for future movement
The UN sustainability goals she promotes:
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all (SDG 3)
To take immediate action to combat climate change and its effects (SDG 13)

Bea Albermann is a medical student, climate activist and planetary health advocate. Following her passion for health equity and systemic change, she has been involved in various youth-led initiatives on mental and planetary health over the past years. She is the youngest catalyst of the very first future laboratory of Collaboratio Helvetica and the co-founder of Health for Future Switzerland movement. Having been a front line worker during the COVID pandemic and a youth delegate to the WHO at the same time, she keeps advocating for systemic change, addressing the root causes of global health challenges and the ecological crisis. She’s currently working on a national strategy on climate change and health together with the Swiss Medical Association in order to transform the Swiss health care system.

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  • On Saturday, December 4th 2021, Bea spoke at TEDxHSG in Switzerland about the biggest health crisis of our time: the climate crisis.

  • On November 8th 2022, Bea was selected under Forbes Switzerland 30 under 30 list. Find out more here.

    Check out her talks and videos:

The Biggest Opportunity for Global Health | Bea Albermann | TEDxHSG

Moving Towards a Healthy Future

Bea Albermann in the Catalyst Lab

SDG13: One health & climate - explaining the Nova Helvetia project

Bea speaking in the Federal Palace about the climate crisis in October 2021 at the historic event of the #Frauensession2021.


Leslie Burkhalter