Charlotte Bourcet
Charlotte Bourcet (BE)
Organisation, project or network: Bern University of Applied Sciences, UMAMI
Sector(s) actively engaging in: Education & Food
The UN sustainability goals she promotes:
Responsible consumption and production (SDG12)
Charlotte Bourcet holds a master’s degree in food science from AgroParisTech in France and is a scientific collaborator at the University of Applied Science for Agronomy, Forestry and Food Science, Switzerland. Her research activities focus on food education for children and on diminishing food waste in school canteens through a systemic approach. She believes that a transformation of our society's eating habits is elemental to attaining the SDGs, especially habits established during childhood. Charlotte initiated and currently leads UMAMI, a project that develops a healthy and sustainable food education program for Swiss primary schools. By engaging in educational system change, Charlotte aims to enable more enjoyable and responsible food choices for children – with a long-lasting effect.