Activity Recap collaboratio helvetica Activity Recap collaboratio helvetica

Navigating Transition: A New Chapter for collaboratio helvetica

Since 2017, collaboratio helvetica has worked tirelessly to promote and catalyse systems change, helping individuals and organisations tackle complex societal challenges towards the SDGs, and advancing the conversation around sustainable transformation in Switzerland. In 2024, we embarked on a strategy revision process to clarify our focus, while also addressing the financial challenges that many non-profit organisations face.

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Toolbox, Stakeholder Mapping, Collaboration and Co-creation collaboratio helvetica Toolbox, Stakeholder Mapping, Collaboration and Co-creation collaboratio helvetica

Human (sociometric) mapping: A powerful tool for group facilitation

Human - or sociometric - mapping is a technique in group processes that invites participants to physically position themselves on imaginary spectrums, circles or clusters in relation to certain statements and questions. Read on to find out why we at collaboratio helvetica are using it so often, and how it can backfire. 

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Building Bridges, Not Walls: Trauma-Informed Collaboration for Flourishing Workplaces

We often picture collaboration as a harmonious exchange of ideas, a well-oiled machine churning out success. But beneath the surface, unseen forces can disrupt this dynamic. Trauma, whether a past event or chronic stress, can leave its mark on our nervous system, impacting how we interact with colleagues. In this blog post, Matthias Ryffel discusses how trauma can impact collaboration at the workplace and how a trauma-informed approach can foster healing processes for a better work environment.

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Toolbox, Awareness ethics and equity, Capacity Building collaboratio helvetica Toolbox, Awareness ethics and equity, Capacity Building collaboratio helvetica

Beyond the Mind: Expanding Our Understanding of Knowing

In Western society, intelligence is often equated with intellectual prowess – the ability to reason, analyse, and problem-solve. This logical, linear approach to knowing, championed by Descartes' famous dictum "cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), has driven immense scientific advancement. However, over-reliance on this kind of knowledge may leave us disconnected from ourselves and the world around us.

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Radical Honesty as an Intervention: Insights from the Catalyst Lab

Alexandra Choutko is an experienced facilitator, and Catalyst from the Catalyst Lab cohort 2023–2024. With this blog post, she shares her personal experiences that have brought her to where she is now, and where her initial sense of disconnection in the Catalyst Lab led her to create an intervention in the form of a radical honesty workshop.

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How to Conduct Effective Peer Reviews in a Team

Peer reviews are an essential component for continuous improvement and accountability within any team. In a team working with Sociocracy 3.0 (S3.0), peer reviews can be particularly powerful as they align with the principles of collaboration, consent-based decision-making, and decentralised governance.

This’s a guide on how to conduct effective peer reviews in a team using Sociocracy 3.0.

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Media Releases, Catalyst Lab collaboratio helvetica Media Releases, Catalyst Lab collaboratio helvetica

Collaboratio helvetica Introduces a New Value-Based Pricing Model for the Fifth Edition of the Catalyst Lab

July 11, 2024, Bern – Collaboratio helvetica is experimenting with a new value-based pricing model for the Catalyst Lab. In September 2024 collaboratio helvetica launches the fifth edition of Catalyst Lab, their flagship learning program for awareness-based system change on the topic of intergenerational combining. The aim is to explore how to merge future needs with the demands of the present through collective learning and new ways of collaboration.

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“The Catalyst Lab has propelled me upwards – Higher than I would have ever expected.”

Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell is the founder of Cultural Inquiry, and Catalyst from the Catalyst Lab cohort 2023–2024. With this blog post, he shares his personal experiences that have brought him to where he is now, and how the Catalyst Lab has empowered his personal growth along his journey towards change.

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Who Cards

Ever had those moments at gatherings where you left feeling like you didn't really learn anything about how people are doing? Or spent countless hours with family, yet still feel like they don't truly know you? In some social circles, it's always the same voices dominating the conversation, making it exhausting. 😓 And meeting new people? Breaking through the ice can be tough.

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Im Einsatz für die Proteinwende: Rückblick aufs Protein Lab

Von September bis Oktober 2023 fand das Protein Lab statt, ein kollaboratives Projekt der drei Organisationen Sentience, der Berner Fachhochschule BFH und collaboratio helvetica. Die Workshopreihe zielte darauf ab, sektorübergreifende Lösungen für den Wandel des Ernährungssystems zu entwickeln.

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