Marco Gyger
How can we anchor SDGs in the work with children, adolescents and young adults and co-shape the future with the next generation?
Marco Gyger (BS)
Current field of activity: Head of training “Youth+Sport - Sport Camp/Trekking” at the Federal Office for Sports, author and radio producer
UN sustainability goals:
Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote opportunities for lifelong learning for all (SDG 4)
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (SDG 16)
Marco Gyger is an educational scientist (educational theory and educational philosophy) and federal instructor. As an outdoors-(ped)agoge he is particularly interested in personality, team and organizational development. For 10 years Marco Gyger has been working at the Federal Office for Sport for the Sport and Movement Promotion Agency “Youth+Sport” as the head of training “Youth+Sport - Sport Camp/Trekking". During his many years of activity, he has built up an active network throughout Switzerland. With his work, Marco Gyger wants to strengthen this field on the one hand and on the other hand to promote systemic and sustainable changes with and in the institutions and organizations with regard to SDGs and Agenda 2030.
Radio Chapeau
Die themenzentrierte Musiksammlung auf Kanal K. Marco Gyger legt jeweils ein Thema fest, wühlt in seiner Musikschatztruhe, wählt dazu passende Lieder aus und erzählt Anekdoten zu den Songs und den Interpret*innen. Dabei schwärmt er für Musik, das Musikhören und für das, was es mit uns Hörenden macht. Das Ganze würzt er mit biographischen Notizen.
Echoes From The Future, Vol. 1, Marco Gyger, collaboratio helvetica, 2.6.2021