Nora Refaeil
What does it take to make all our environments inclusive and just, and how can we empower each individual to bring about change?
Nora Refaeil (BS)
Current field of activity: Conversations for Change, mediator, process facilitator, lawyer and trainer
UNO sustainability goals:
Reducing inequality within and between countries (SDG 10)
Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (SDG 16)
Conversations for Change: Nora Refaeil supports processes of systemic and sustainable transformation in institutions, organisations and communities. She works with people who want to change their environment positively. Nora Refaeil is a lawyer, mediator and trainer with more than 20 years of experience in national and international environments. She teaches at the University of Basel and other institutions and academies. She is a Senior Advisor at IPAT/Interpeace in Geneva, a member of the Executive Board of the Institute New Switzerland and Vice-President of the National Commission against Racism.