About us


Our vision is a Switzerland where individuals, communities, and organisations collaborate seamlessly to drive systems change, co-creating a sustainable society guided by the values of humanity and ecological responsibility.


Since our founding in early 2017, collaboratio helvetica has been dedicated to advancing systemic change in Switzerland, aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As an association, we are committed to supporting societal transformation by offering learning journeys, practical tools for systems change, and fostering a cross-sector community of changemakers.

Here is more information about the core methods we use and the principles we are committed to.

Our Strategy 

We empower individuals and organisations to become agents of systems change.


  • With our services, tools and methods, we cultivate a collective understanding of the systemic nature of today’s challenges, creating spaces for continuous learning, development, and innovation.

  • We constantly test and develop our tools and methods for collaborative systems transformation.

We support changemakers to develop their projects further and reach a greater impact.


  • We coach, support and continue to empower our Catalysts to develop their projects further and reach a greater impact with their work.

  • We co-initiate, support and hold spaces for collaboration and co-creation.

We foster a cross-sectoral community of changemakers, enabling further collaboration and learning.


  • We foster a culture of learning and participation, promoting knowledge sharing and synergies.

  • We activate communities of collaboration towards the SDGs, addressing specific topics, practices and root causes.

Key activities