Julia Bodin
How can we inspire each other to transition to a circular economy through a mindset shift and deep collaborations?
Julia Bodin (VD)
Current field of activity: Social entrepreneur, founder and catalyst at Future of Waste and Let's Talk Waste
UN sustainability goals:
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG12)
Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (SDG 14)
Julia Bodin is a trained environmental engineer. As part of her work for an NGO, she has committed herself to sustainable innovation in the field of marine resources and founded her own company "lets talk waste" in 2018. Her project won the first jury prize of the Social Impact Award of the Impact Hub Geneva & Lausanne in 2018. Julia Bodin believes in a playful approach to inspiring people to rethink their consumption habits and produce less waste.
Future of Waste
Hosting multi-stakeholder dialogues and strengthening human-to-human connection to redefine the value of waste, envision a regenerative future of our products, and prototype ways to get there. Together.Arbon Initiative
Humanity’s current rate of resource consumption eventually means we will run out. In Switzerland we consume 3 times what we should aim for a sustainable development. Meanwhile, we produce “waste” unlike any other species on the planet – it is a man-made problem. Future of Waste x Arbon is an initiative that focuses on creating the right conditions for addressing this challenge and triggering change towards more resilient consumption and production patterns at a local level.Let’s talk waste
Let’s talk waste wants to cut plastic pollution at the roots because cleaning up is not going to be enough. We raise awareness on the impact we have with our daily waste and guide people on the path of changing their habits, step by step towards conscious consumption.
Case Clinic, Julia Bodin, collaboratio helvetica, 13.1.2021
On Saturday, December 4th 2021, Julia spoke at TEDxHSG in Switzerland about the power of mindset and culture shift as well as collaborations in the circular economy transition work.