Boryana Milova
How can we create incentives for sustainable and future-oriented entrepreneurship in Switzerland?
Boryana Milova (SG)
Current field of activity: Co-founder of IGNITE and Student Master in Business Innovation & Managing Climate Solutions, HSG
UN Sustainability Goals:
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12)
Strengthen implementation means and breathe new life into the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development (SDG 17)
Boryana Milova grew up in Bulgaria and witnessed the transition from a socialist to a capitalist system. She has lived in Switzerland for nine years and five years ago she co-founded the student organization IGNITE, which focuses on sense-oriented entrepreneurship. Currently, Boryana Milova is studying for her Master's degree in "Business Innovation", with a focus on managing climate solutions at the HSG.
Her goal is to support ways towards a more holistic and sustainable economic system. Boryana Milova pursues the vision of a Switzerland in which companies are guided by a higher purpose and act in harmony with nature and people. She believes in the potential of Switzerland as a beacon and inspiration for sustainable entrepreneurship.
Future of Waste
Hosting multi-stakeholder dialogues and strengthening human-to-human connection to redefine the value of waste, envision a regenerative future of our products, and prototype ways to get there. Together.Arbon Initiative
Humanity’s current rate of resource consumption eventually means we will run out. In Switzerland we consume 3 times what we should aim for a sustainable development. Meanwhile, we produce “waste” unlike any other species on the planet – it is a man-made problem. Future of Waste is an initiative that focuses on creating the right conditions for addressing this challenge and triggering change towards more resilient consumption and production patterns at a local level.