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foodaktuell – Greenpeace fordert mehr Nachhaltigkeit von der Migros
Catalyst Alexandra Gavilano, Project Lead für Sustainable Foodsystems bei Greenpeace, überreichte der Migros am Dienstag, 22. August, einen Appell für mehr Klimaschutz und Biodiversität. Rund 18’265 Personen fordern darin mit ihrer Unterschrift «weniger Fleisch – mehr pflanzliche Produkte».
SRF: Schluss mit der Massentierhaltung?
In der Politsendung «Arena» des Schweizer Fernsehens diskutieren Meinungsführer:innen und Expert:innen über die Massentierhaltungsinitiative, die auch schärfere Importvorschriften verlangt, sowie zu einem Werbeverbot für tierische Produkte. Unsere Catalyst Alexandra Gavilano spricht in der Arena über das Tierwohl, den Zusammenhang von Fleischkonsum und Klimawandel sowie die Auswirkungen auf die Biodiversität.
Die Zukunft der Bildung am Barcamp gestalten
Unter dem Titel “Zukunft der Bildung gestalten” hat im Rahmen des letztjährigen Schweizer Digitaltags ein Barcamp stattgefunden, welches Pioniere der Bildungslandschaft Schweiz zusammen in den offenen Austausch gebracht hat.
Citizen Assemblies
Citizen Assemblies: A way for a participative deliberative decision-making process to find a pathway for solving complex problem.
Catalyst Leslie Burkhalter - SDGs 10 & 14
Leslie Burkhalter is a talented networker and weaver. With her authenticity and genuine interest in other people, she creates connections that inspire and motivate others.
Catalyst Eliane Kern - SDG 11
Eliane Kern from Sissach (BL) has dedicated herself to bring about a shift in conciousness on a personal and collective level.
Catalyst Mario Stankovic - SDG 16 & 17
A sustainable society with integrity. This is what Mario Stankovic dreams of. The religious educator has been committed for years to innovative ways of living together in the Lucerne region and in Central Switzerland.
Catalyst Daniel Gut - SDG 16 & 17
"Far too often, political decisions are brought about that in the end are not really satisfying for anyone. But the way politics is debated today can hardly lead to a better result. We have to learn to really listen to each other across political parties and to work out solutions by thinking together," says Daniel Gut.
Catalyst Nils Landolt - SDG 4 & 9
Our world is constantly changing. Don't we need a new skill set? "Today's schools in Switzerland mostly prepare our children for a world that no longer exists. If this continues, we will face major societal problems," says Nils Landolt.
Catalyst Anna Krebs - SDG 5
"I have been living in this beautiful country for 8 years now. So much important and innovative work is being done here. But when it comes to gender equality in the workplace, Switzerland still has a long way to go.”
Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace: What Corona is teaching us
The 3 most important learnings of the Corona Crisis regarding diversity & inclusion in the workplace.
Catalyst: Simon Gisler - SDG 11 and 16
For some time now, Simon has been concerned with the question of how Swiss cities and municipalities can be made more sustainable.
Catalyst Lab first edition - Outcomes
The ultimate goal of the Catalyst Lab is to prepare participants to apply what they learn at the Lab in their own context, and activate systemic change processes in different segments and sectors in Switzerland
Catalyst: Markus Roos - SDG 4 und 9
"The Catalyst Lab has brought me together with highly comitted and exciting people. This strengthened my overall view of the topic and my empowerment….
Catalyst: Bea Albermann - SDG 3 and 13
23-year-old Bea Albermann is the youngest participant to complete the Catalyst Lab 2019/20. The medical student is intensively engaged in advocacy work regarding the consequences of climate change on human health.
4 key insights to foster equity and inclusion in your organisation
During the past year we have published an interview series with Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. Find here the key learnings out of our expert interviews. You can find the links to all the interviews at the end. Feel free to comment with your own tips!
Why we need to change the myth about part-time work being a killer of careers
An interview series with Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. How do they relate to their own gender? What are the current challenges and opportunities they see and what inspires them? The aim of this series is to bring awareness to gender and diversity work and inspire further action towards creating inclusive workplaces in Switzerland.
Expert Panel: Gender, Inclusion and the Future of Work
This is the recording of the online panel event on Gender, Inclusion and the Future of Work organised by collaboratio helvetica on June 10th 2020. The recording starts at the input part. The order of speaking is: Patricia Purtschert (University of Bern), Sylvie Durrer (Federal Office of Gender Equality), Robert Baker (Potentia Talent Consulting), Simona Scarpaleggia (Ikea), Nicholas Niggli (State of Geneva).
Important principles for change
When a deeper examination of oneself and the society is needed – the principle and values of extinction rebellion and why I joined them.
Stories alone won't change structures and behaviors
An interview series with Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. How do they relate to their own gender? What are the current challenges and opportunities they see and what inspires them? The aim of this series is to bring awareness to gender and diversity work and inspire further action towards creating inclusive workplaces in Switzerland.
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