Media collaboratio helvetica Media collaboratio helvetica

ö1 (ORF) im Gespräch mit Nora Wilhelm

"Wir brauchen einen Wandel - aber wie geht das?". Viktoria Waldhäusl im Gespräch mit Nora Wilhelm, Young Leader. Wenn es heißt, in der Jugend läge die Hoffnung, dann ist die 28-jährige Schweizerin Nora Wilhelm der Beweis dafür, dass das stimmt. Inmitten der Hoffnungslosigkeit, bestehend aus Klimawandel und wachsenden ökonomischen Ungleichheiten, zeigt sie neue Wege auf, um sich den komplexen Problemen stellen zu können.

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Nova Helvetia, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica Nova Helvetia, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica

Small but practical changes towards more inclusion at workplaces

Have you ever thought about investing in Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) but then turned down the idea because you didn’t have the budget? And how many times did you consider setting up a D&I strategy but ended up abandoning the idea because you didn’t know where to start from? Or are you perhaps a team leader frustrated about the fact that leadership at the top is not taking enough action to move inclusion questions forward? We have been there!

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Media Community, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica Media Community, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica

Catalyst Nora Refaeil im Magazin "pm - perspektive mediation"

Nora Refaeil’s Beitrag im Magazin “pm - perspektive mediation” befasst sich mit jüngsten, gesellschaftspolitischen Auseinandersetzungen zum Thema Rassismus in der Schweiz und mit der Frage, wie Rassismus mittels Dialog auf einer interpersonellen Ebene entgegengewirkt werden kann. Das darin beschriebene Konzept von Leadership soll einen möglichen Weg aufzeigen.

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4 key insights to foster equity and inclusion in your organisation

During the past year we have published an interview series with Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. Find here the key learnings out of our expert interviews. You can find the links to all the interviews at the end. Feel free to comment with your own tips!

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Gender Equality, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica Gender Equality, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica

Why we need to change the myth about part-time work being a killer of careers

An interview series with Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. How do they relate to their own gender? What are the current challenges and opportunities they see and what inspires them? The aim of this series is to bring awareness to gender and diversity work and inspire further action towards creating inclusive workplaces in Switzerland.

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Gender Equality, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica Gender Equality, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica

Expert Panel: Gender, Inclusion and the Future of Work

This is the recording of the online panel event on Gender, Inclusion and the Future of Work organised by collaboratio helvetica on June 10th 2020. The recording starts at the input part. The order of speaking is: Patricia Purtschert (University of Bern), Sylvie Durrer (Federal Office of Gender Equality), Robert Baker (Potentia Talent Consulting), Simona Scarpaleggia (Ikea), Nicholas Niggli (State of Geneva).

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Gender Equality, Practice, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica Gender Equality, Practice, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica

Stories alone won't change structures and behaviors

An interview series with Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. How do they relate to their own gender? What are the current challenges and opportunities they see and what inspires them? The aim of this series is to bring awareness to gender and diversity work and inspire further action towards creating inclusive workplaces in Switzerland.

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Gender Equality, Practice, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica Gender Equality, Practice, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica

Gender Equality at Work from the Inside Out

How do we as individuals and organisations fully practice and embody gender equality? This was the calling question for the participants of the first-ever Social Innovation Lab on gender equality designed and hosted by collaboratio helvetica in Switzerland from 2017 to 2018.

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