Toolbox, Stakeholder Mapping, Collaboration and Co-creation collaboratio helvetica Toolbox, Stakeholder Mapping, Collaboration and Co-creation collaboratio helvetica

Human (sociometric) mapping: A powerful tool for group facilitation

Human - or sociometric - mapping is a technique in group processes that invites participants to physically position themselves on imaginary spectrums, circles or clusters in relation to certain statements and questions. Read on to find out why we at collaboratio helvetica are using it so often, and how it can backfire. 

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Who Cards

Ever had those moments at gatherings where you left feeling like you didn't really learn anything about how people are doing? Or spent countless hours with family, yet still feel like they don't truly know you? In some social circles, it's always the same voices dominating the conversation, making it exhausting. 😓 And meeting new people? Breaking through the ice can be tough.

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Toolbox, Collaboration and Co-creation, Capacity Building collaboratio helvetica Toolbox, Collaboration and Co-creation, Capacity Building collaboratio helvetica

Facilitation anchor grid

Facilitation is the art of unlocking the power of a group through dialogue and the pursuit of clarity, engaging active participation and embracing the richness of diverse perspectives. Through facilitation the multi-faceted potential of a team is released.” - Definition by the International Association of Facilitators

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Toolbox, Capacity Building collaboratio helvetica Toolbox, Capacity Building collaboratio helvetica

Flying Agenda

The flying agenda is basically about facilitating a team process. The following description is very detailed not to be rigid about it, but for you to understand the thinking behind it. What matters is the spirit and the general idea of it. So feel free to adapt this to your context and needs.

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Toolbox, Organisational Learning collaboratio helvetica Toolbox, Organisational Learning collaboratio helvetica

Sociocracy 3.0 Decision Making

Collaborating in a team and community where we want to respect and consider the contribution of everyone can be a difficult task, both in theory and even more so in practice. Often, agreements are made without considering all the important actors involved or when they are involved reaching an agreement can be a lengthy and often unsuccessful ordeal.

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Open Space: liberate inherent action and leadership in groups of any size

When a group of people must tackle a common complex challenge you can release their inherent creativity and leadership as well as their capacity to self-organize. With the Open Space method all issues that are most important to the participants are raised, included in the agenda and addressed. With the co-created agenda people will take responsibility very quickly for solving problems and moving into action. Letting go of central control (i.e. the agenda and assignments) and putting it in the hands of everyone generates commitment, action and innovation.

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