Activity Recap collaboratio helvetica Activity Recap collaboratio helvetica

Navigating Transition: A New Chapter for collaboratio helvetica

Since 2017, collaboratio helvetica has worked tirelessly to promote and catalyse systems change, helping individuals and organisations tackle complex societal challenges towards the SDGs, and advancing the conversation around sustainable transformation in Switzerland. In 2024, we embarked on a strategy revision process to clarify our focus, while also addressing the financial challenges that many non-profit organisations face.

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Good enough for now, safe enough to try (GESET)

Striving for the illusion of perfection can cripple our self-esteem as human beings, and completely stifle our progress as a team or organisation. Instead of being overly critical, blocking others for no valid reason or never getting out there out of fear of not being perfect enough, get into the GESET mindset!

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Practice, Purpose and vision collaboratio helvetica Practice, Purpose and vision collaboratio helvetica

Finding the lightbeam

collaboratio helvetica was founded on the experience that more conscious collaboration is needed in order to properly deal with systemic challenges such as the ones contained in the Agenda 2030, and a hunch that a different kind of working together with unlikely allies was key.

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