Learning Ecology - an evolving practice

Organisational learning is important for all contexts, yet more important still for innovative, action research-based, prototype driven initiatives. Dedicated to catalysing social change in Switzerland, collaboratio helvetica designs and runs prototypes and experiments in order to find ways to achieve this goal, and often the learnings from these are the most valuable outcome of the projects.

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Practice collaboratio helvetica Practice collaboratio helvetica

2030 Dialogue for Sustainable Development

Systemic change is needed to successfully implement the 2030 Agenda and achieve the SDGs in Switzerland as well as to tackle the deeper laying root causes that are driving today's polycrises. In collaboratio helvetica’s understanding, this can only happen with inclusive and participatory approaches and partnerships across sectors and topics. We are convinced that Switzerland has a unique potential to build on its history of collaboration and dialogue across language, religions and other barriers to enable societal transformation.

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Intrapreneurship Academy

Our vision is that organisations in Geneva and beyond leverage their full potential to use innovation to respond to societal needs by transforming their employees into intrapreneurial leaders, connected to a wider community of changemakers and disruptors that are paving the way for the new economy.

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Practice, Catalyst Lab, Collaboration and Co-creation collaboratio helvetica Practice, Catalyst Lab, Collaboration and Co-creation collaboratio helvetica

A dialogue close to my heart

Factory farming, animal suffering and agricultural practices that harm the environment shape my daily life, privately and at work. The Catalyst Lab presented me with the opportunity to open a dialogue space and expand my view on how others perceive the problem around these issues through a generative dialogue – a challenging and fascinating endeavour.

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Practice, Toolbox collaboratio helvetica Practice, Toolbox collaboratio helvetica

Dedication to our wellspring

Dedicated attention to a personal and ongoing practice is more of a necessity than a luxury in these times of navigating unprecedented changes. In this blog, we share a 5-fold approach to personal care in order to nourish our inner wellsprings and maintain a sense of groundedness and calm during these times.

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Gender Equality, Practice, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica Gender Equality, Practice, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica

Stories alone won't change structures and behaviors

An interview series with Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. How do they relate to their own gender? What are the current challenges and opportunities they see and what inspires them? The aim of this series is to bring awareness to gender and diversity work and inspire further action towards creating inclusive workplaces in Switzerland.

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Practice collaboratio helvetica Practice collaboratio helvetica

Why another platform?

I am not a techno-optimist. I agree with Doug Tompkins that over many millenia, technology has made us disconnected from nature, and paved the way for the Anthropocene, a newly defined geological era in which humans are shaping the planet to their immediate benefit, having lost sight of the deep, finely tuned interconnectedness of all living beings that created our planetary eco-system.

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Practice collaboratio helvetica Practice collaboratio helvetica

Catalyst Lab Testimonial bei Eliane Kern

Die Veränderungen, die in der heutigen Zeit geschehen möchten, brauchen Pionier*innen, die bestrebt sind, den klaren Verstand, das offene Herz und die starke Hand miteinander zu verbinden. Dies ist ein tiefgreifend persönlicher und kollektiver Prozess: Weisheit und Mitgefühl miteinander zu verknüpfen und dann auch noch mit alltäglichem Handeln und Wirtschaften umzusetzen.

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Gender Equality, Practice, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica Gender Equality, Practice, Awareness ethics and equity collaboratio helvetica

Why we need to step outside of our own bubbles

We have started interview series of Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. How do they relate to their own gender? What are the current challenges and opportunities they see and what inspires them? The aim of this series is to bring awareness to gender and diversity work and inspire further action towards creating inclusive workplaces in Switzerland.

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