Our blog
Im Einsatz für die Proteinwende: Rückblick aufs Protein Lab
Von September bis Oktober 2023 fand das Protein Lab statt, ein kollaboratives Projekt der drei Organisationen Sentience, der Berner Fachhochschule BFH und collaboratio helvetica. Die Workshopreihe zielte darauf ab, sektorübergreifende Lösungen für den Wandel des Ernährungssystems zu entwickeln.
Participatory Grantmaking: a way forward to fund the future?
To achieve system change - a large-scale change that will affect everyone - funding the social innovation process itself effectively is key. Such an innovation process requires cross-sector collaborations that shift the focus from fighting the symptoms to addressing the root causes. Given the urgency for systemic change, foundations have been exploring new effective funding mechanisms that support system change.
Cynefin - empowering to work with uncertainty
Cynefin, empowering to work with uncertainty
- refining our responses and practices depending on the specific system we engage with
Citizen Assemblies
Citizen Assemblies: A way for a participative deliberative decision-making process to find a pathway for solving complex problem.
FlowConnection – eine ganzheitliche Lernreise für Unternehmen zu mehr Flow, Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit.
Vor dem Hintergrund der von Collaboratio Helvetica ins Leben gerufenen Initiative „Nova Helvetia“, die lösungsorientierte Projekte für eine gesunde Post-Covid-19 Schweiz begleitet und unterstützt, begaben sich Hartmut Hübner und Diana Oser in ihren jeweiligen Projektteams auf eine 3-monatige Reise. Hartmut interessierten die Aspekte des „New Work“-Ansatzes und wie sich diese in Unternehmen integrieren lassen, so das Arbeitnehmern und Unternehmen davon auf nachhaltige Weise langfristig davon profitieren können (SDG 8).
Important principles for change
When a deeper examination of oneself and the society is needed – the principle and values of extinction rebellion and why I joined them.
Why another platform?
I am not a techno-optimist. I agree with Doug Tompkins that over many millenia, technology has made us disconnected from nature, and paved the way for the Anthropocene, a newly defined geological era in which humans are shaping the planet to their immediate benefit, having lost sight of the deep, finely tuned interconnectedness of all living beings that created our planetary eco-system.
Openers - setting the stage for your conversation
What does good and clear conversation take? There is no “one single most” important thing but one aspect we are often unaware of is the setting in which we communicate or the stage for our communication if you use the analogy of conversation as a performance.
Our Catalysts in la Liberté
Our Catalysts again in the media with their amazing projects! Alexandra Gavilano and Andreas Dutli.
The Dialogue Spiral - the natural flow of Dialogue
The Dialogue Spiral is a model that shows us as facilitators and as participants how any group process naturally develops, what phases a group will experience in a natural flow of conversation, and how to identify what underlying dynamics is at play in that process.
Stories and insights from our Beyond Waste Lab
From September to December 2018 we collaborated with Sustainable Living Lab at Impact Hub Lausanne & Living Lab Lausanne at EPFL on a Social Lab called “Beyond Waste | Circular Resources Lab”. We are now ready to share many beautiful insights of our participants (individually and in their prototyping groups), extensive summaries of our Lab’s processes and also some meta topic articles.
#YouthOfUNESCO: Championing Sustainability & Innovation!
It's been over a year since the 10th UNESCO Youth Forum, and the echoes of this experience, especially the people I met, are still present. There is so much potential in supporting young people who are stepping up and getting their hands dirty. Thanks for the shout out, UNESCO!
Collective Story Harvesting
Collective Story Harvesting is a storytelling process that enables us to deeply connect with and learn from the experience in our community, team or organization. It builds our capacity for targeted listening, group learning and therein for collective meaning making. Collective Story Harvesting takes learning to a deeper level as it surfaces insights that exist beneath the surface of our stories.
Storytelling - Kollektives Lernen von Geschichten
Am 15. Februar 2018 kamen in Bern 250 Menschen zusammen, um das Sustainable Development Solutions Network Schweiz SDSN zu lancieren und um die Schweiz einige Schritte weiter in Richtung Agenda 2030 zu bewegen.
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