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Exploring Social Innovation: An Introduction by Nora Wilhelm

The term social innovation has become a buzzword, but it’s important to keep in mind that there is no one single definition that everyone using it agrees upon. Put simply, social innovation is about addressing the challenges humanity is facing, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty, and gender equity - just four of the many challenges contained in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Social innovators are the people deploying different types of strategies to address these challenges.

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Media collaboratio helvetica Media collaboratio helvetica

Das Catalyst Lab auf

Mit 17 weiteren sogenannten Catalysts soll Nils Landolt an künftigen sozialen Innovationen mitarbeiten. Der 31-jährige Lehrer aus Näfels wurde für das erste Zukunftslabor von Collaboratio Helvetica ausgewählt.

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Practice, Purpose and vision collaboratio helvetica Practice, Purpose and vision collaboratio helvetica

Finding the lightbeam

collaboratio helvetica was founded on the experience that more conscious collaboration is needed in order to properly deal with systemic challenges such as the ones contained in the Agenda 2030, and a hunch that a different kind of working together with unlikely allies was key.

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