Our blog
Why another platform?
I am not a techno-optimist. I agree with Doug Tompkins that over many millenia, technology has made us disconnected from nature, and paved the way for the Anthropocene, a newly defined geological era in which humans are shaping the planet to their immediate benefit, having lost sight of the deep, finely tuned interconnectedness of all living beings that created our planetary eco-system.
Et si la Suisse essayait d'innover plus dans le social?
Collaboratio helvetica à l'Université de Neuchâtel : à l'occasion de la semaine de la durabilité, Nora Wilhelm a parlé de l'importance de l'innovation et de la transformation sociale.
Why men need to emancipate inwards
An interview series with Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. Our second interviewee, Gilles Crettenand, is based in Sion and tells us what gender equality work looks like from the angle of men working amongst men.
Catalyst Lab Testimonial bei Eliane Kern
Die Veränderungen, die in der heutigen Zeit geschehen möchten, brauchen Pionier*innen, die bestrebt sind, den klaren Verstand, das offene Herz und die starke Hand miteinander zu verbinden. Dies ist ein tiefgreifend persönlicher und kollektiver Prozess: Weisheit und Mitgefühl miteinander zu verknüpfen und dann auch noch mit alltäglichem Handeln und Wirtschaften umzusetzen.
The power of dialogue to transform local climate politics
This is the story of a facilitator who recognised and stepped into her role as a change agent. It is also a practical guide to inspire fellow process facilitators to reach out and support a different type of politics in their local area.
Why we need to step outside of our own bubbles
We have started interview series of Gender and Diversity experts across sectors in Switzerland. How do they relate to their own gender? What are the current challenges and opportunities they see and what inspires them? The aim of this series is to bring awareness to gender and diversity work and inspire further action towards creating inclusive workplaces in Switzerland.
Radio 32 - Unser Catalyst Daniel Gut über Dialog in der Politik
Daniel Gut aus Zuchwil arbeitete jahrelang als Betriebsökonom. Schon vor seiner Pensionierung befasste er sich aber intensiv mit der Bedeutung von echtem Dialog für die die Schweizer Politik.
Die Linth Zeitung: Gründerinnen ermutigen zu mehr Unternehmertum
In der Schweiz wird nur jedes zehnte Start-up von einer Frau gegründet. Woran liegt das? Dieser Frage haben sich Studierende der Universität St. Gallen angenommen und in einem Kursprojekt nach Ursachen geforscht.
Current Reality Movie CRM (Sensing)
The CRM is a process for collective sense- making, typically used after co-sensing activities (sensing journeys or dialogue interviews). While 3D mapping gives a high level perspective from multiple angles, CRM allows participants to begin the process of physically embodying an experience.
U.lab journey with coaching circle (September - December every year)
Anyone can go through or host a u.lab journey, which is a 3 month process based on Theory U including an online MOOC complemented with the heart of it: offline deep and personal encounters with oneself and others.
Openers - setting the stage for your conversation
What does good and clear conversation take? There is no “one single most” important thing but one aspect we are often unaware of is the setting in which we communicate or the stage for our communication if you use the analogy of conversation as a performance.
Das Bieler Tagblatt über unseren Catalyst Markus Roos
Markus Roos will das Bildungswesen revolutionieren: Im Rahmen des ersten nationalen Zukunftslabors will er die Oberstufe so umfunktionieren, dass die Schüler eigene Projekte umsetzen können.
Unser Catalyst Nils Landolt in der Glarner Woche über die Schule der Zukunft
Welche Schule wollen wir unseren Kindern bieten? Der Glarner Primarlehrer und Bildungsexperte Nils Landolt gehört zu einer kleinen Gruppe schweizweit, die im Zukunftslabor an einer Vision für die Schweiz von morgen arbeitet. In der Glarner Woche vom 15. Januar 2020 spricht er über seine Vision einer zukunftsfähigen Bildung.
20 Minutes Dance (Sensing, Mindfulness of the Body)
If your mind is very preoccupied with thinking and you feel disembodied (e.g. like a head walking around), this is an effective way of arriving at the moment by feeling your body. This is a practice for embodiment and groundedness, also called mindfulness.
Stuck exercise for individuals and groups (Sensing)
Naturally, in life we come to feel stuck in situations - be it in our professional or personal lifes, be it due to what feels like internal or external forces. Patterns in relationships with a boss, colleagues or family members tend to repeat until we change perspective.
Facilitation anchor grid
Facilitation is the art of unlocking the power of a group through dialogue and the pursuit of clarity, engaging active participation and embracing the richness of diverse perspectives. Through facilitation the multi-faceted potential of a team is released.” - Definition by the International Association of Facilitators
Team dynamics
Understanding human behavior in groups is highly useful in design experience based events since group dynamics play a role in any human interaction. FIRO® is a comprehensive and widely-used theory of interpersonal relations created by Will Schutz.
Gender Equality at Work from the Inside Out
How do we as individuals and organisations fully practice and embody gender equality? This was the calling question for the participants of the first-ever Social Innovation Lab on gender equality designed and hosted by collaboratio helvetica in Switzerland from 2017 to 2018.
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