Transformation through communities of collaboration

Become a manifesto partner!

Become a manifesto partner!

What’s the manifesto about?

The basis of being network partners is to create visibility for each others work and inspire new collaborations towards our common vision of a regenerative Switzerland.

    • We are committed to a regenerative Switzerland (Agenda 2030).

    • We consider it as essential to collaborate and co-create for it.

    • We practice ecosystem awareness and keep developing our key contribution.

  • Are you interested? To move ahead with the signing of this manifesto, follow the process below:

    1. Read our principles, as well as our intentions and commitments above.

    2. If you agree fill out the form.

    3. We'll contact you shortly after to begin our journey together towards systems change!


  • • Lists the new ally on the partner section in the website

    • Makes a post on Social Media to announce (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter)

    • From now on mentions them as allies in posts related to them (e.g. on social media)

    • Shares activities, blogs or toolbox entries and events from the ally in the Newsletter

  • • Lists collaboratio helvetica on the partner section of their website

    • Makes their unique contribution and low hanging fruits to the ecosystem

    • Is invited to make a post on Social Media to announce

    • Is invited to mention collaboratio helvetica and other allied organisations (who have signed the manifesto) in posts related to them (e.g. on social media)

    • Is invited to share activities, blogpost or toolbox entries and events from collaboratio helvetica and other allied organisations

    • Is invited to be featured on our blog and to publish toolbox entries

Check out our network of partners below!

Our Network partners

International Networks

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