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Learning from the Titanic: understanding different levels of intervention with the iceberg model
The iceberg model reveals deeper aspects of social and environmental challenges. Take plastic pollution in oceans: cleaning is crucial, but without addressing the root causes, we're stuck in a cycle. We must question the structures, laws, and mindsets that perpetuate this issue. Read our insightful blog post on understanding and addressing the iceberg model. Let's avoid repeating history and move beyond surface-level fixes to create lasting change.
Revealing the Icebergs - why 3D Mapping shows what is below the surface
The 3D mapping exercise aims to help unveil the multifaceted aspects of the system in which the Catalysts aim to achieve change. Working with my hands helped me to unearth aspects my mind alone did not “see”. Working in parallel with somebody else revealed interconnections within the Catalyst community.
My original goal when I joined the Catalyst Lab was to improve the work I do in helping the Swiss economy become more sustainable.
The 5R framework - Taking a systems view
More and more people agree that we need to work towards systemic change. But how can we define it, and where to begin? Systemic change can be understood as a change in how a system operates from the inside out. Besides deep shifts in the underlying paradigm(s), this includes changes in the Rules, Roles, Relationships and Resources that govern a given system (USAID, 2016).
Cynefin - empowering to work with uncertainty
Cynefin, empowering to work with uncertainty
- refining our responses and practices depending on the specific system we engage with
3D Sculpting a System
3D sculpting is an exercise that invites people to look at the reality of a system from different angles and perspectives with the aim to help identify the key strategic leverage points in changing the current system.
Iceberg and Root Causes
The Iceberg Model: creating a shared map and understanding of the current reality and its root causes, and together inquiring into an aspired reality.
Social Innovation Lab Canvas
Catalysing systemic change around a particular issue or topic is complex work, a match for the system you’re addressing and activating. There has been some degree of codification, theory and study around which approaches may help us do so. One of the approaches that has gained traction over the past years is the Lab approach, which in this context means bringing together a variety of stakeholders to co-create prototype solutions to complex challenges.
20 Minutes Dance (Sensing, Mindfulness of the Body)
If your mind is very preoccupied with thinking and you feel disembodied (e.g. like a head walking around), this is an effective way of arriving at the moment by feeling your body. This is a practice for embodiment and groundedness, also called mindfulness.
Stuck exercise for individuals and groups (Sensing)
Naturally, in life we come to feel stuck in situations - be it in our professional or personal lifes, be it due to what feels like internal or external forces. Patterns in relationships with a boss, colleagues or family members tend to repeat until we change perspective.
System Mapping
The ecosystem map is a synthetic representation capturing all the key roles and dynamics that have an influence and interact with the environment of an entity (individual, team, organization).
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