Our blog
Learning Ecology - an evolving practice
Organisational learning is important for all contexts, yet more important still for innovative, action research-based, prototype driven initiatives. Dedicated to catalysing social change in Switzerland, collaboratio helvetica designs and runs prototypes and experiments in order to find ways to achieve this goal, and often the learnings from these are the most valuable outcome of the projects.
Den Hebel für Veränderung finden
Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen sind komplex und anspruchsvoll. Oft scheint die Möglichkeit einer Verbesserung unerreichbar. In diesem Beitrag berichte ich darüber, wie mich die Methode der Stakeholder Interviews bei einer schwierigen Thematik weitergebracht hat. Es ist ein einfaches Mittel, um sich einen Überblick zu verschaffen und potenzielle Entwicklungsschritte zu erkennen.
Harnessing the Swarm
How to prepare, design and hold space for emerging and transformative collective action. Read here our findings and learnings of the Nova Helvetia journey.
Prototyping mindset
Prototyping refers to building or creating a small but essential part of a larger project in order to see if it works as envisioned. It is rooted in ‘doing’ - development, testing, evaluating, reiterating. In the original framework of Theory U, it is the definitive step into concrete action, while staying closely connected to the deep mindset shift that happened in the previous steps of the Catalyst Lab journey and to the source of our intention.
Guiding Principles for a Social Innovation Lab
• a laboratory: a container of social experiments with intensive, experimental interventions
• a strategy for addressing complex ground-breaking social challenges on a systemic level.
• a space for multi-disciplinary collaboration, bringing together people from across the system aimed at key leverage points
• Social Labs consist of a team, a process and space(s) supporting social innovation and experimentation.
Prototyping Day
During module 5 of the Catalyst Lab, the collaboratio helvetica’s team organised a one-day virtual prototyping workshop. The goal of the prototyping day was to support further the catalysts towards convening their systems and tap into the resources and knowledge of the community. The invitation was to get into a prototyping mindset and discover the benefits of experimenting with rapid prototyping tools, crowdsourcing, and co-creating with other changemakers working on diverse challenges, all while having fun. This workshop took place online due to restrictions linked to covid-19.
Sensing Journeys for Catalysts
Sensing Journeys are an immersion into unfamiliar territories and offer a frame for exploring a specific place, organisation, challenge, or system through the lens of different stakeholders.
Die Erfahrungen aus der SDSN Switzerland Konferenz 2019 sind da!
Die Transformation zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft ist ein kollektiver Lernprozess. Zusammen mit verschiedenen Partnern haben wir an der SDSN Switzerland Konferenz 2019 sechs verschiedene 'Learning Journeys' unternommen.
Feedback - a rapid learning journey
In this blog I will share how we in the Dialogue context understand the word “feedback”. There are many different approaches to feedback. I want to show you a very efficient way of learning through feedback.
Prototyping canvas
The prototyping canvas is a great tool to visually map out your prototype and get more clarity on its different aspects. It can be used when doing first attempts at a prototype to co-create it alone or with a group.
The key principles for making dialogue
By ‘dialogue’ we mean the kinds of conversations that change something in us when we are part of them, and that shift something between the people who are involved in the conversation.
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