What if we redefined value exchange?

Introducing a new Pricing Model for the fifth edition of the Catalyst Lab

At collaboratio helvetica, we are continuously exploring new ways of collaboration and experimenting with innovative approaches to enable sustainable change. Facing the challenge of ensuring financial accessibility while establishing a financially sustainable model for the Catalyst Lab, we asked ourselves: How can we continue to provide this impactful learning journey to changemakers and engaged individuals?

Enforcing our mission to contribute to systems change, and our commitment to accessible and meaningful learning, we are excited to announce a significant update for the upcoming Catalyst Lab – the value-based pricing model.


This is how it works:

  • Actual external expenses: Participants now only pay for rental space, accommodation, food, and materials before the program starts.

  • Value-based payment: At the end of the learning journey, participants decide how much they can and wish to contribute for our work, aligned with the personal value gained from the experience, and their financial means.


The Catalyst Lab comprises 5 beautiful weekend retreats in the mountains, 2 in-person modules, and 6 online sessions.

Shift towards a value-based pricing model - An Experiment

Having successfully run four editions, the unique value of the Catalyst Lab has become a certainty. The Catalyst Lab is our flagship program that has been developed and constantly improved over the past seven years to catalyse systemic change in Switzerland. This new pricing model not only provides flexible contribution options for participants but also presents an experiment and an exciting opportunity to try and experience a new way of perceiving and handling value exchange.

“With this model, we wish to experiment with a new way of exchanging value, make the Catalyst Lab more accessible and emphasise mutual appreciation. This also creates a space for participants to reflect on and determine the true worth of their experience according to their financial means.”

– Katalin Hausel, Catalyst Lab host at collaboratio helvetica

We believe in the unique value of the Catalyst Lab – a program that has been developed and constantly improved over the past seven years, contributing to catalyse systemic change in Switzerland. Additionally, recognising that everyone’s financial situation is different, we see the need to provide flexible contribution options. We want to take you on this journey of experimenting with new ways for value exchange.


True cost per participant: 10’000-15’000 CHF (depending on number of participants)

Original participation fee: 8500 CHF

New participation fee: 2000 CHF + value-based payment at the end


What does this shift mean for collaboratio helvetica?

For us, this is more than a pricing adjustment. While it embodies our commitment to exploring a new method of value exchange and maintaining an accessible and inclusive environment, we acknowledge that this is new territory and an experiment. We don’t know if this model will work out for us, but it aligns with our beliefs and our mission to foster collaboration, trust, and mutual support. We are excited to see how it unfolds with your participation and feedback.

Become part of a unique learning experience

As a participant of the Catalyst Lab, you are not only joining a learning program; you become part of a community of driven individuals who are keen to open new doors, try out new ways of catalysing change, and learn from experiments like this one. Let's step into this new era together, with open minds and hearts, ready to learn, adapt, and grow.

Apply to participate in the fifth edition of the Catalyst Lab, starting at the end of September 2024.

The inspiration to try this model comes from Mette Koppelaar, an author and facilitator of transformational spaces. He first tried this model for a course he’s offering called ‘Radical Authenticity’, and shared his experiences with our team member Kaspar Paur in a group facilitation course they’re both attending. This example shows how sharing knowledge with fellow changemakers is also a form of impact – Thank you Mette!


Collaboratio helvetica Introduces a New Value-Based Pricing Model for the Fifth Edition of the Catalyst Lab


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