Our blog
Dialogue walk
A dialogue walk is a method in which two individuals explore a question in a deep conversation while being on a walk outside. It gives participants a space to dive into a deep conversation, practice authentic sharing and deep listening, and get to know each other's perspective and experience on a topic. It can be used as part of a dialogue event or also as a sharing tool in any other form of participatory workshop.
Cynefin - empowering to work with uncertainty
Cynefin, empowering to work with uncertainty
- refining our responses and practices depending on the specific system we engage with
The four levels of listening and conversation
The way we listen and pay attention in a conversation can profoundly shift the quality and depth of that conversation, and the quality of relationship we are able to build to one another. Listening is probably the most underestimated leadership and community building skill.
Soutien à l’envol du Parlement de l’alimentation
Le jour où j’ai remarqué pour la première fois un berlingot de lait labellisé « lait équitable » dans un supermarché local, j’ai été interloquée. S’agissait-il d’une simple astuce marketing ? Ou d’un indicateur que quelque chose clochait dans l’agriculture suisse ? Comment se fait-il que dans un pays si riche, un tel label ait vu le jour ? Voilà ma curiosité éveillée !
3D Sculpting a System
3D sculpting is an exercise that invites people to look at the reality of a system from different angles and perspectives with the aim to help identify the key strategic leverage points in changing the current system.
From project funding to core funding: a smart move?
Should donor foundations also invest in the infrastructure of non-profit organisations? Over 30 participants from big and small foundations and associations explored this question in a recent online workshop co-hosted by collaboratio helvetica and proFonds. Looking at this topic from both the prism of two donor foundations and from the perspective of one grantee organisation helped participants to gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and possible pitfalls of such funding as well as consider next steps.
Echoes From The Future, Vol. 1
This blog is the first out of a series of my own journey into the 2nd cycle of the Catalyst Lab. This first part talks about learning how to listen to the echoes of the future through a collective network. It gives emphasis on the first step that preludes crystalizing a project - a step that is often overseen by society and the one that seems to be a must into real systemic change.
Small but practical changes towards more inclusion at workplaces
Have you ever thought about investing in Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) but then turned down the idea because you didn’t have the budget? And how many times did you consider setting up a D&I strategy but ended up abandoning the idea because you didn’t know where to start from? Or are you perhaps a team leader frustrated about the fact that leadership at the top is not taking enough action to move inclusion questions forward? We have been there!
moneta - Für eine kollaborative Schweiz
Nora Wilhelm and Emilie Romon write in The Philanthropist about the challenges and new approaches to fund systems change.
The why and the how we need societal transformation - An engineer’s perspective
As we get closer to the unfathomable 1.5°C point-of-no-return it gets clearer that the way we are organized today is not working. But how do we solve this mess? Should we wait for scientists and engineers to innovate ourselves out of this crisis like we've done in the past?
Lémanbleu TV: GO solutions durables
Nora Wilhelm était en direct dans le studio de Lémanbleu TV ensemble avec Jacques Dubochet, Prix Nobel de chimie et activiste.
Citizen Assemblies
Citizen Assemblies: A way for a participative deliberative decision-making process to find a pathway for solving complex problem.
Iceberg and Root Causes
The Iceberg Model: creating a shared map and understanding of the current reality and its root causes, and together inquiring into an aspired reality.
FlowConnection – eine ganzheitliche Lernreise für Unternehmen zu mehr Flow, Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit.
Vor dem Hintergrund der von Collaboratio Helvetica ins Leben gerufenen Initiative „Nova Helvetia“, die lösungsorientierte Projekte für eine gesunde Post-Covid-19 Schweiz begleitet und unterstützt, begaben sich Hartmut Hübner und Diana Oser in ihren jeweiligen Projektteams auf eine 3-monatige Reise. Hartmut interessierten die Aspekte des „New Work“-Ansatzes und wie sich diese in Unternehmen integrieren lassen, so das Arbeitnehmern und Unternehmen davon auf nachhaltige Weise langfristig davon profitieren können (SDG 8).
Stakeholder Interviews
Stakeholder interviews are a tool that helps to sense, explore and gain a deeper understanding on different perspectives in a system. The tool has been developed by the Presencing Institute as part of the Theory U toolbox. Stakeholder interviews can be used at any stage of the U process and are a very useful tool to both sense into the system and get feedback on different aspects of your work. At collaboratio helvetica, we use this tool in most of our projects, for example in the Catalyst Lab, where participants do stakeholder interviews to explore the system and topic they are working on.
4 Tips to Successfully Pitch Your Solution for Systemic Change
How do you arouse the enthusiasm of your audience? As a change maker, you need to onboard your stakeholders. Let’s have a look at how Erik Turner, participant of the Catalyst lab cohort 2020/2021, pitched his idea of creating a sustainability certificate at the Zurich sustainability week.
A map to navigate the confusing waters of trust
From sometimes being overly naive and just believing whatever people were telling me despite evidence to the contrary to being worried and criticised for not “trusting” someone - I’ve had all kinds of experiences related to trust. Do you trust people always?
Catalyst Nora Refaeil im Magazin "pm - perspektive mediation"
Nora Refaeil’s Beitrag im Magazin “pm - perspektive mediation” befasst sich mit jüngsten, gesellschaftspolitischen Auseinandersetzungen zum Thema Rassismus in der Schweiz und mit der Frage, wie Rassismus mittels Dialog auf einer interpersonellen Ebene entgegengewirkt werden kann. Das darin beschriebene Konzept von Leadership soll einen möglichen Weg aufzeigen.
The Hidden Variable of Societal Transformation
Social Innovation Labs are an emergent framework practiced by different types of organizations that includes governamental, non-profit, for-profit and a mix of them all. The key aspects of what constitute labs and the methodologies used by them can be a powerful framework for those seeking social innovation.
The impact loop of inner & outer change
This model proposes a frame to think about the inner and outer work needed for impact. It is intended to make explicit what awareness-based systemic change takes and to support in creating as well as maintaining alignment and coherence across levels as we do this Work.
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