Our blog
Feedback - a rapid learning journey
In this blog I will share how we in the Dialogue context understand the word “feedback”. There are many different approaches to feedback. I want to show you a very efficient way of learning through feedback.
Dialogue with hot topics in the Fish Bowl
A facilitation method for hot topics and transforming the field of collaboration.
Spiderweb - A measuring tool for your facilitator skills
In this blog we want to introduce a very simple and practical tool to measure your X on your internal abilities skills map. It shows you your strengths and your weak spots so that you can decide where to focus your next learning steps as a space holder on.
The Pareto principle (80/20 rule)
The Pareto principle, also called the 80/20 rule, states that roughly 80% of results come from only 20% of efforts or causes. In the best of cases, applying this principle allows us to achieve more with working less, because we are smarter about how we invest our time.
Good enough for now, safe enough to try (GESET)
Striving for the illusion of perfection can cripple our self-esteem as human beings, and completely stifle our progress as a team or organisation. Instead of being overly critical, blocking others for no valid reason or never getting out there out of fear of not being perfect enough, get into the GESET mindset!
Prototyping canvas
The prototyping canvas is a great tool to visually map out your prototype and get more clarity on its different aspects. It can be used when doing first attempts at a prototype to co-create it alone or with a group.
collaboratio helvetica auf SWI swissinfo.ch
An der diesjährigen Jahreskonferenz der Schweizer Entwicklungs- zusammenarbeit (DEZA) hielt Nora Wilhelm dem Land den Spiegel vor – und präsentierte Lösungsansätze.
Collaboratio helvetica initiiert ein Zukunftslabor für die Schweiz
Freiburg, 21. Juni 2019. Unsere Gesellschaft steht vor grossen Herausforderungen. Immer mehr Menschen wollen nicht mehr untätig zusehen. Sie gehen für ihre Zukunft auf die Strasse, streiken für mehr Gleichberechtigung oder engagieren sich in Non-Profit-Organisationen.
Why we still need to go to the streets for gender equity in 2019
About last Friday’s #frauenstreik... Why did we go to the streets? A little bit of historical tragicomedy and some current facts to shed a light on the reality of Gender Equity in Switzerland in the year 2019.
The Sustainability Transformation: A Joint Task for Our Society
With a lot of enthusiasm we supported the design and especially the flow of the morning for the SDSN Conference 2019 under the Motto “The Sustainability Transformation: A Joint Task for Our Society".
Finding the lightbeam
collaboratio helvetica was founded on the experience that more conscious collaboration is needed in order to properly deal with systemic challenges such as the ones contained in the Agenda 2030, and a hunch that a different kind of working together with unlikely allies was key.
collaboratio im Journal B!
Das noch junge Projekt «collaboratio helvetica» will Individuen und Organisationen unterstützen, die sich für die internationalen Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung einsetzen.
The Dialogue Spiral - the natural flow of Dialogue
The Dialogue Spiral is a model that shows us as facilitators and as participants how any group process naturally develops, what phases a group will experience in a natural flow of conversation, and how to identify what underlying dynamics is at play in that process.
The key principles for making dialogue
By ‘dialogue’ we mean the kinds of conversations that change something in us when we are part of them, and that shift something between the people who are involved in the conversation.
Stories and insights from our Beyond Waste Lab
From September to December 2018 we collaborated with Sustainable Living Lab at Impact Hub Lausanne & Living Lab Lausanne at EPFL on a Social Lab called “Beyond Waste | Circular Resources Lab”. We are now ready to share many beautiful insights of our participants (individually and in their prototyping groups), extensive summaries of our Lab’s processes and also some meta topic articles.
Recruiting the collaboratio helvetica way
Collaboratio helvetica is growing and we need new people to complement our team. To find the perfect fit, we used our own methods and invited five applicants to take part in a co-creation session in Berne. This gave us the opportunity to get to know each person, to see how they think and collaborate.
#YouthOfUNESCO: Championing Sustainability & Innovation!
It's been over a year since the 10th UNESCO Youth Forum, and the echoes of this experience, especially the people I met, are still present. There is so much potential in supporting young people who are stepping up and getting their hands dirty. Thanks for the shout out, UNESCO!
collaboratio in the Migros magazine
We were portrayed in the Migros magazine. Read more here!
Guided Journaling
Guided journaling is a self-reflective process, allowing participants to access deeper levels of self-knowledge, based on a set of prepared questions. The reflection is spontaneous and happens through the writing itself, by just writing down what emerges in the moment (instead of first thinking and reflecting, and then writing down the reflections).
Appreciative Gift Dialogue
An ice breaker to build creative connectivity within a group for spontaneous speaking. Usually ends with lots of bubbling people.
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- Liechtenstein