Our blog
From Resistance to Children's Books
“I was ready to work like a fool, but I wasn’t opened to the idea of sharing in a group what’s on my mind and heart. I was ready to figure out solutions for the problems out there, but I wasn’t ready to deal with my own weaknesses. I was ready to fight everything but myself.“
The GenderLab - listening as a premise of transformation (incl. 4 Levels of Listening)
“Listening is probably the most underrated leadership capacity today, but listening is really at the source of all great leadership. When we see leadership failures, and today we have many opportunities to see that, very often, at the source of these failures is a lack of listening. A lack of connecting to what is really going on in reality right now.”
Beyond Waste - A Circular Resources Lab
How can social laboratories be used to their full potential to address current societal challenges?
Nora Wilhelm speaking at Biovision's 20th anniversary
On the occasion of their 20th anniversary, Biovision Foundation offered our Catalyst Nora Wilhelm the challenge of holding a Laudatio, expressing her vision for the next 20 years. Amongst her conclusions were:
Dialogue Walks (for Gender Equality) (incl. 4 Levels of Listening)
During our first cycle of the Social Lab on SDG 5 (Gender Equality) we learned that this method can be an impactful way to increase understanding and engagement for this topic. The purpose of a dialogue walk is to engage in deep dialogue, that means authentic listening and sharing.
Ich und mein Konsum - was ist nachhaltig?
Collaboratio helvetica in den Medien: Buchrain im Gespräch über Nachhaltiger Konsum - ein Dialog Abend
Active Listening & Personal Connection
Today there is no shortage of research, tools and analysis on the importance and implications of gender (in-)equality in our society and workplaces. However, as we all know, progress is difficult and slow. Why?
Wise Crowds - Peer Consultations
This is a simple method to harvest the group intelligence: A space where a “client” can ask for help of “consultants”. Can also be seen as a quick and powerful tool for coaching each other around specific and individual challenges.
Nächster Halt: Denkpause
Nora Wilhelm unter den 80 Schweizer Macherinnen in der Spezialausgabe zum 80 Jährigen Geburtstag der Annabelle! Mit nächster Halt: Denkpause fragt sie sich «Wohin rennen wir eigentlich?»
The PEMS model
PEMS is a tool/frame to help you design spaces, processes, services or other things in ways that enable a holistic and powerful experience.
Flying Agenda
The flying agenda is basically about facilitating a team process. The following description is very detailed not to be rigid about it, but for you to understand the thinking behind it. What matters is the spirit and the general idea of it. So feel free to adapt this to your context and needs.
2people and 2experiences
This is a beautiful method to facilitate a more personal connection between participants. It is best used rather in the beginning and can be kept general or it can also be modified to address the purpose of the workshop.
4D Mapping
4D Mapping is an embodiment practice and is part of Theory U’s Social Presencing Theater. It is used when working with groups that want to explore their system, the embodied knowing of their bodies, to gain new insights.
Check-ins (incl. Levels of Attention)
Check-ins are a way for people to have a dedicated space to share on a more personal level what’s happening within them. When practiced regularly and authentically, a teams purpose, coherence and trust can increase.
Sociocracy 3.0 Decision Making
Collaborating in a team and community where we want to respect and consider the contribution of everyone can be a difficult task, both in theory and even more so in practice. Often, agreements are made without considering all the important actors involved or when they are involved reaching an agreement can be a lengthy and often unsuccessful ordeal.
How to take effective decisions
Taking a decision is a difficult thing to do by oneself, taking it together in a group can seem impossible. Creating an alchemy of all perspectives into a common agreement is a mastery and ensuring that the individuals then stick to the agreement is wizardry. Yet, collective decision making it is at the heart of a fruitful collaboration and we are confronted by it on a day by day basis. So how do we deal with this challenge?
I thought it has nothing to do with me!
To be honest, I thought I knew quite a lot about gender and diversity but what I found was that I actually still don’t know that much, which was a shock and a huge pill to swallow!
Mission Impossible
The Mission Impossible is a fun way for a group to bond by solving a challenge together. At the same time the challenge can be tailored to the purpose and content of the workshop. Most frequently used at the beginning of a workshop after the check-in.
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