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Current Reality Movie CRM (Sensing)
The CRM is a process for collective sense- making, typically used after co-sensing activities (sensing journeys or dialogue interviews). While 3D mapping gives a high level perspective from multiple angles, CRM allows participants to begin the process of physically embodying an experience.
U.lab journey with coaching circle (September - December every year)
Anyone can go through or host a u.lab journey, which is a 3 month process based on Theory U including an online MOOC complemented with the heart of it: offline deep and personal encounters with oneself and others.
Openers - setting the stage for your conversation
What does good and clear conversation take? There is no “one single most” important thing but one aspect we are often unaware of is the setting in which we communicate or the stage for our communication if you use the analogy of conversation as a performance.
20 Minutes Dance (Sensing, Mindfulness of the Body)
If your mind is very preoccupied with thinking and you feel disembodied (e.g. like a head walking around), this is an effective way of arriving at the moment by feeling your body. This is a practice for embodiment and groundedness, also called mindfulness.
Stuck exercise for individuals and groups (Sensing)
Naturally, in life we come to feel stuck in situations - be it in our professional or personal lifes, be it due to what feels like internal or external forces. Patterns in relationships with a boss, colleagues or family members tend to repeat until we change perspective.
Facilitation anchor grid
Facilitation is the art of unlocking the power of a group through dialogue and the pursuit of clarity, engaging active participation and embracing the richness of diverse perspectives. Through facilitation the multi-faceted potential of a team is released.” - Definition by the International Association of Facilitators
Team dynamics
Understanding human behavior in groups is highly useful in design experience based events since group dynamics play a role in any human interaction. FIRO® is a comprehensive and widely-used theory of interpersonal relations created by Will Schutz.
The art of powerful calling and guiding questions
For initiating any form of collaboration (incl. meetings, events, dialogues, trainings) a powerful calling & guiding question is essential for laying a healthy foundation for fruitful collaboration and meaningful outcomes.
Village Process -A nonverbal group exercise to discover the essence level
If you want to discover and learn as a group what it means when e.g. Arnold Mindell talks about the essence level, and you want to make the energetical connection between people tangible and feelable for them, the Village Process is a great exercise to approach this learning.
Joharis Window - 4 territories of awareness
Joharis Window is a very simple picture, that helps a group to understand the idea of giving feedback and sharing on a deeper level. Joharis window therefore help us to build community and the muscles we need to engage in real authentic dialogue with each other.
Powerful Questions
Here are a few good reminders to follow when you want to craft a powerful question.
How to do a Dialogue Evening
Creating and Facilitating a Dialogue Evening is an Art and is a learning by doing process. It cannot be planned or prepared for all the emerging questions, issues, unknowns and possible possibilites. An inner presence and openness is crucial.
Medicine Walk
A Medicine Walk is a conscious time for diving deep into a specific question, to enter a state of deep listening and to be in touch with nature as a powerful mirror.
Catalyst Spiderweb
Successfully catalysising systemic change requires many abilities, skills, internal and external pre-conditions. In the context of the Catalyst Lab, we have created a first iteration of the Catalyst Spiderweb. It is a tool for self-inquiry and assessment and defines 12 aspects the Catalysts can rate themselves on.
Body check-in
A picture is worth a thousand words, and equally - one sculpture or gesture can share a lot about how we are actually feeling. Perhaps, we even uncover something we had not verbalised.
Hand signs
Especially when working with big groups, hand signs can be very useful to share information without interrupting the process or take decisions swiftly.
Experiential Learning
Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience, and is more specifically defined as "learning through reflection on doing". It is a very effective strategy to create sustainable and inclusive learning experiences.
System Mapping
The ecosystem map is a synthetic representation capturing all the key roles and dynamics that have an influence and interact with the environment of an entity (individual, team, organization).
Feedback - a rapid learning journey
In this blog I will share how we in the Dialogue context understand the word “feedback”. There are many different approaches to feedback. I want to show you a very efficient way of learning through feedback.
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