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The philanthropist - Accelerating funding for systems change
Nora Wilhelm and Emilie Romon write in The Philanthropist about the challenges and new approaches to fund systems change.
Roadmap 2030
The newly defined strategy is a framework for the time span from 2021 to 2030. It lists the areas of work that collaboratio helvetica has identified as being key to fulfill its mission towards its vision, which is an evolutionary purpose.
Bereit für morgen - collaboratio im THE PHILANTHROPIST
In einer komplexeren Welt sind neue Lösungsansätze gefragt. Stiftungen positionieren sich mit neuen Zusammenarbeitsformen und angepasster Fördertätigkeit, um ihre Rolle in der Gesellschaft wirkungsvoll zu erfüllen.
Theory of Change framework
The Theory of Change framework is designed to aid social innovation projects to hypothesise about the outcome and impact of their work, in order to be able to respond to rapidly changing contexts and emergent insights while remaining accountable to stakeholders and funders.
Den Hebel für Veränderung finden
Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen sind komplex und anspruchsvoll. Oft scheint die Möglichkeit einer Verbesserung unerreichbar. In diesem Beitrag berichte ich darüber, wie mich die Methode der Stakeholder Interviews bei einer schwierigen Thematik weitergebracht hat. Es ist ein einfaches Mittel, um sich einen Überblick zu verschaffen und potenzielle Entwicklungsschritte zu erkennen.
The collaboratio helvetica story
Collaboratio helvetica has been on a journey since its foundation in 2017. A journey with many obstacles and stumbling blocks. A journey in which experimenting, being bold and leaving the beaten track are key. A journey whose destination is unknown. On such a journey, the so-called failures and defeats were obviously numerous - both at the project level and at the organisational level.
Fundraising resources & templates
Here, you will find templates of a dossier, timeline, budget and financing plan. Have fun experimenting with it!
EYP: An interview with Alumni in start-ups and SMEs
Nora Wilhelm in an interview on how her work at the European Youth Parliament has influenced her career.
SRF Kulturplatz: Celia Hug - Das Fremde im Nahen
SRF Kulturplatz berichtet über unsere Catalyst Celia Hug, die mit ihrem Buch “Suche Fern. Finde Nah” zu nachhaltigerem Reisen inspiriert.
Solothurner Zeitung: Diskussion, die über Small Talk hinausgeht
Die Solothurner Zeitung berichtet über die “Solothurner Dialoge”, initiiert von Catalyst Daniel Gut.
20 Minuten: Loukina (20) begleitet Berset am Weltmädchentag
20 Minuten über unsere Catalyst Loukina Tille, die zusammen mit Bundesrat Alain Berset den Sonderkongress der Weltmeteorologie-Organisation WMO eröffnet.
«Ärzte haben besondere Verantwortung»
Das vsao Journal, das Journal des Verbandes Schweizerischer Assistenz- und Oberärztinnen und -ärzte, interviewte unter anderem unsere Catalyst Bea Albermann zu den Bedrohungen der Klimakrise für die menschliche Gesundheit.
How to have difficult conversations
Difficult conversations are an essential part of meaningful collaborations. A big part of changing the ways we work together implies changing the way how crucial conversations within an organisation take place. Many of the social tools we use at collaboratio helvetica, including dialogue, 4-levels of listening and liberating structures, among many many others offer different methods to have deep conversations that allow everyone to be heard, and any topic to be discussed. But are these conversations also successful in terms of outcome? Do we achieve what we gather for in the first place?
2030 Dialogue for Sustainable Development
Systemic change is needed to successfully implement the 2030 Agenda and achieve the SDGs in Switzerland as well as to tackle the deeper laying root causes that are driving today's polycrises. In collaboratio helvetica’s understanding, this can only happen with inclusive and participatory approaches and partnerships across sectors and topics. We are convinced that Switzerland has a unique potential to build on its history of collaboration and dialogue across language, religions and other barriers to enable societal transformation.
Harnessing the Swarm
How to prepare, design and hold space for emerging and transformative collective action. Read here our findings and learnings of the Nova Helvetia journey.
Cobudgeting Guidebook
“You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed
Intrapreneurship Academy
Our vision is that organisations in Geneva and beyond leverage their full potential to use innovation to respond to societal needs by transforming their employees into intrapreneurial leaders, connected to a wider community of changemakers and disruptors that are paving the way for the new economy.
coeurage: Heldin des Alltags: Celia Valeria Hug
Beim Blick auf die Catalyst Lab Cohort Edition 2 von Collaboratio Helvetica ist mir Celia sofort ins Auge gefallen. Zum einen, weil mich der Satz «Suche Fern. Finde Nah.» gleich in den Bann gezogen hat. Als Reisevogel bin ich viel umhergekommen – und je länger ich unterwegs war und je mehr fremde Kulturen ich gesehen habe, desto stärker wuchs bei mir das Bewusstsein für die Schönheit unserer Breitengrade, den Reichtum unserer Traditionen und meine eigenen (deutschen) Wurzeln.
Revealing the Icebergs - why 3D Mapping shows what is below the surface
The 3D mapping exercise aims to help unveil the multifaceted aspects of the system in which the Catalysts aim to achieve change. Working with my hands helped me to unearth aspects my mind alone did not “see”. Working in parallel with somebody else revealed interconnections within the Catalyst community.
My original goal when I joined the Catalyst Lab was to improve the work I do in helping the Swiss economy become more sustainable.
“So, how is that different for you?”
Having never founded my own NGO or worked in anything other than a commercially oriented company, I’m somewhat an outlier in this year’s Catalyst Lab. As collaboratio helvetica’s mission is to fundamentally change how we work together I was often asked what the difference is between working my day job and supporting the Catalyst Lab team in my communications role. Well then, let’s try to find out.
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