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Die Zukunft der Bildung am Barcamp gestalten
Unter dem Titel “Zukunft der Bildung gestalten” hat im Rahmen des letztjährigen Schweizer Digitaltags ein Barcamp stattgefunden, welches Pioniere der Bildungslandschaft Schweiz zusammen in den offenen Austausch gebracht hat.
Harnessing the Swarm
How to prepare, design and hold space for emerging and transformative collective action. Read here our findings and learnings of the Nova Helvetia journey.
Cobudgeting Guidebook
“You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed
From project funding to core funding: a smart move?
Should donor foundations also invest in the infrastructure of non-profit organisations? Over 30 participants from big and small foundations and associations explored this question in a recent online workshop co-hosted by collaboratio helvetica and proFonds. Looking at this topic from both the prism of two donor foundations and from the perspective of one grantee organisation helped participants to gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and possible pitfalls of such funding as well as consider next steps.
Small but practical changes towards more inclusion at workplaces
Have you ever thought about investing in Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) but then turned down the idea because you didn’t have the budget? And how many times did you consider setting up a D&I strategy but ended up abandoning the idea because you didn’t know where to start from? Or are you perhaps a team leader frustrated about the fact that leadership at the top is not taking enough action to move inclusion questions forward? We have been there!
Citizen Assemblies
Citizen Assemblies: A way for a participative deliberative decision-making process to find a pathway for solving complex problem.
FlowConnection – eine ganzheitliche Lernreise für Unternehmen zu mehr Flow, Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit.
Vor dem Hintergrund der von Collaboratio Helvetica ins Leben gerufenen Initiative „Nova Helvetia“, die lösungsorientierte Projekte für eine gesunde Post-Covid-19 Schweiz begleitet und unterstützt, begaben sich Hartmut Hübner und Diana Oser in ihren jeweiligen Projektteams auf eine 3-monatige Reise. Hartmut interessierten die Aspekte des „New Work“-Ansatzes und wie sich diese in Unternehmen integrieren lassen, so das Arbeitnehmern und Unternehmen davon auf nachhaltige Weise langfristig davon profitieren können (SDG 8).
Funding the future: the crucial role of foundations
Both practice and a growing body of research show that the complex challenges we are facing, such as climate change and inequality, will not successfully be addressed with current thinking. Indeed, no single organisation nor sector can hope to reach one of the goals set in the Agenda 2030 alone.
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