Toolbox, Stakeholder Mapping, Collaboration and Co-creation collaboratio helvetica Toolbox, Stakeholder Mapping, Collaboration and Co-creation collaboratio helvetica

Human (sociometric) mapping: A powerful tool for group facilitation

Human - or sociometric - mapping is a technique in group processes that invites participants to physically position themselves on imaginary spectrums, circles or clusters in relation to certain statements and questions. Read on to find out why we at collaboratio helvetica are using it so often, and how it can backfire. 

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Catalyst Lab, Problem mapping Guest User Catalyst Lab, Problem mapping Guest User

Revealing the Icebergs - why 3D Mapping shows what is below the surface

The 3D mapping exercise aims to help unveil the multifaceted aspects of the system in which the Catalysts aim to achieve change. Working with my hands helped me to unearth aspects my mind alone did not “see”. Working in parallel with somebody else revealed interconnections within the Catalyst community.

My original goal when I joined the Catalyst Lab was to improve the work I do in helping the Swiss economy become more sustainable.

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