collaboratio core methods
This is an overview of our core methods and awareness-based tools and approaches. It also includes links to proven practice tips, case studies and experiences from our facilitation in and for systemic change and social innovation.
This serves us to nurture a shared language of HOW we “do” this work of societal change no matter in which contexts or on what scale. They support to stay oriented when being in the midst of the work and for ongoing collective sense-making in our team, community and with our partners and clients. Together, they allow us to refine the way we work based on a long term action research approach. This is our coherent and shared foundation from where we approach and navigate in different, interrelated and complex topics.
The view from the mountaintop is the same, no matter what path you took to get there. But when you start hiking and climbing, it's important to be familiar with which tools and methods to use and especially as a group feel oriented as you go.
We have found this set of core methods to be useful in diverse situations and contexts. This is a grounding combination, yet we will continue to weave in other approaches and elements.
“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor.” - Bill O'Brien.
We believe that the outcomes of any intervention depends on the interior state, presence and awareness of the intervenor (being it a facilitator, moderator, coach, etc.), the dynamics and health in the intervenor team and on the social field and community in which the intervention is embedded and part of. As the Practitioners Circle (hyperlink) of collaboratio helvetica we are creating and supporting the conditions for our diverse facilitators to be well supported and enabled along this journey - as individuals and as a collective. Its a circle of active facilitators who are practicing to live a new culture of working together, inspire and learn from each other. A culture of care and presence, which is the source of holding space, hosting and stewarding consciously change processes for our clients and community. We practice walking the talk by making the methods come alive, practice and refine them, mirror each other along our growth path as professionals and humans. We always facilitate in pairs or groups to bring in different perspectives, skills and qualities and to shed light on blind spots and the fringes in and of a system.