


Catalyst Lab hosting team, mentors & experts


Matthias Ryffel
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Matthias Ryffel

Matthias has broad experience in supporting conflict transformation and capacity building – skills he has sharpened in Switzerland and internationally. He holds an M.A. in Mediation and Conflict Management from Viadrina University, and a B.A. in Science of Media and Communication from the University of Fribourg. Matthias regularly gives courses on mediation, dialogue, and conflict transformation, and follows his calling for inner work through meditation, trauma healing, and nature-based approaches. Currently, he does so by pursuing the transformative Timeless Wisdom Training.

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Julia Ahlberg
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Julia Ahlberg

Julia Ahlberg works in communication and visualisation at collaboratio helvetica. She’s passionate about continuous learning, exploring systemic challenges, and visualising complex information. Holding a Bachelor of Arts in Design Management, she has a background in human-centred design and promoting learning for sustainable change. She’s a board member of SEET, an association supporting refugees in (re)starting their studies in Switzerland, and an assistant lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

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Sidsel Andersen
Practitioners, Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica Practitioners, Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica

Sidsel Andersen

Sidsel is a fish swimming in the waters of flow, through her soulful practice based on life lessons, she learned to deal with contradictions, suffering, failure – all that makes us human – to bring about transformation and regeneration on a deeper level. As an experienced facilitator, she uses grounding techniques paired with a practical approach to bring about real change. She specializes in addressing conflicts and tensions in group settings by creating profound interpersonal connections through conversation, while working on the individual, collective, and societal levels.

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Tilla Künzli
Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica

Tilla Künzli

Tilla Künzli was born in Switzerland and grew up partly in Basel and partly on the west coast of the USA. She is an innovative environmental activist, initiator, project and event manager and team coordinator of various associations, initiatives and community projects in Switzerland and specifically in the Basel region. Through her mindful and courageous work, she has provided important impulses for the region for more than 10 years and has helped to create spaces for education and action for young people and adults. She has made fair and sustainable consumption and living together, generational exchange and urban permaculture as a response to the ecological crisis a central theme in the region and beyond. Tilla Künzli is a passionate bridge builder who has put her skills as an artist, gardener and entrepreneur at the service of social change.

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Erik Turner
Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica

Erik Turner

Erik is a chemical process engineer from Ticino. He studied at EPFL in Lausanne and then ETH in Zürich, where he earned a Master's degree in Process Engineering. Currently, he works as a Project Manager at a successful start-up enabling permanent CO2 storage in mineral waste material:

At Sustainability Week International, and previously YES-Europe, he aims to connect young adults who are enthusiastic about energy and sustainability and jointly develop concrete proposals for a sustainable education strategy.

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Olmar Albers
Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica

Olmar Albers

Olmar Albers has many years of leadership experience in general management, marketing/sales and innovation management in various industries such as chemicals, food, cosmetics or pharmaceuticals. For two years now, the native Dutchman has been the CEO of öbu, the Swiss Association for Sustainable Business. With his commitment, Olmar Albers contributes to systemic change in the economy at company level and in general.

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Silvano Lieger
Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica

Silvano Lieger

Silvano Lieger is Executive Director at Sentience Politics, a political organisation with the goal of carrying the interests of non-human animals into the mainstream of society. The organisation's vision is a society in which non-human animals are protected from suffering as fully as possible. He's currently involved in two different ballot initiatives on a national and cantonal level and frequently engages in international discourse around his topic. Together with his team and external stakeholders from different sectors, Silvano wants to contribute to a systemic change in the food system – working towards a more sustainable system that is good for humans, animals and the planet. He is also a board member of Global Shapers Zurich, a TEDx speaker and a columnist for a national media outlet.

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Lukas Aeschlimann
Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica

Lukas Aeschlimann

Lukas Aeschlimann is a research associate at «Bern University of Applied Sciences HAFL» in the field of sustainable food systems. He works primarily on a participatory research project investigating how we, as a society, can achieve socially equitable access to healthy and sustainable food for everyone. He is currently involved in different initiatives promoting and co-creating a sustainable and inclusive food system. He has a master’s degree in business administration and several years of work experience in the field of Diversity & Inclusion, both in Berlin and Bern.

Furthermore, he is a co-founder of the zero-waste store «Bern Unverpackt» and a board member of the associations «Gassenarbeit Bern» and «Ernährungsforum Bern».

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Leticia Cordero Mote
Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica

Leticia Cordero Mote

Leticia Cordero Mote grew up in Mexico City. She has been working as an artist since she graduated. She is pursuing a Master of Arts in Expanded Theater at the University of the Arts since fall 2021. With her project "Wide at Heart", she opens and moderates spaces to circulate knowledge and learn together with others. In her artistic practice she is intensively engaged in raising awareness - be it for gender issues, ecology or political processes.

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Boryana Milova
Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica

Boryana Milova

Boryana Milova grew up in Bulgaria and witnessed the transition from a socialist to a capitalist system. She has lived in Switzerland for nine years and five years ago she co-founded the student organization IGNITE, which focuses on sense-oriented entrepreneurship. Currently, Boryana Milova is studying for her Master's degree in "Business Innovation", with a focus on managing climate solutions at the HSG.

Her goal is to support ways towards a more holistic and sustainable economic system. Boryana Milova pursues the vision of a Switzerland in which companies are guided by a higher purpose and act in harmony with nature and people. She believes in the potential of Switzerland as a beacon and inspiration for sustainable entrepreneurship.

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Nikola Buric
collaboratio helvetica collaboratio helvetica

Nikola Buric

Nikola Buric comes from former Yugoslavia and works as an environmental engineer and in the IT sector. He is involved in various initiatives in the field of social and ecological justice and community building, including the permaculture and transition movement. Currently, he is the managing director of the diaspora organization i-dijaspora, an organization that connects the Bosnia and Herzegovina diaspora in Switzerland and creates synergies. Nikola is committed to promote the potential of cooperation and the use of synergies between different initiatives and movements that are working towards a future with more ecological responsibility, humanity and the common good.

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Gregory Turkawka
Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica

Gregory Turkawka

Gregory Turkawka worked as a teacher and later as a research and teaching associate at the Zurich University of Teacher Education. The fact that more than one billion people do not have access to education led the Zurich native to establish the Alpha Foundation. The foundation supports learning concepts, education systems, technologies, examination and financing systems, and new forms of living and working together. In August 2020, Gregory Turkawka also founded the association "POIANA CUNOAŞTERII" (Glades of Knowledge) to support marginalized groups in the arts and education.

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Julia Bodin
Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts, Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts, Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Julia Bodin

Julia is a catalyst from Catalyst Lab 2. She graduated from EPFL in 2014 as an environmental engineer and has since dedicated her work to plastic pollution and behavioral changes linked to waste reduction and circular economy. In 2018 after a rocky path in research and then non-profit, she launched Let’s Talk Waste, a service company that offer environmental employee engagement activities for companies, cities and communities.

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Katalin Hausel
Practitioners, Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica Practitioners, Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica

Katalin Hausel

Katalin Hausel was born in Hungary, and spent the last 25 years living in many different places. Over the years, she has gained 3 Masters degrees (in history, in philosophy, and in fine art). After making and teaching art for more than a decade, she turned away from the art world in 2014, and joined the unMonastery, a social experiment in reimagining monastic communities for the 21st century, as a way to connect rural and urban ways of life. Ever since she has been working on various social transformation projects.

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Nora Refaeil
Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica Catalyst Lab Mentors & Experts collaboratio helvetica

Nora Refaeil

I catalyse conversations for systemic and sustainable change. Through facilitation/mediation, training and coaching I work with individuals and leaders as well as communities and organizations who want to contribute to positive change. My work includes support for transformation on an individual level as well on a cultural and structural level. I apply systems and complexity thinking to advance systemic change and consider dynamics such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, equity, power and history.

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Barbara Seeger
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Barbara Seeger

Barbara Seeger is an experienced professional working in(ter)dependently as an organizational developer and leadership-coach in various sectors and branches throughout Switzerland. Originally coming from the field of Human Resources, she grew into counseling for collaboration, change management and personal development and since completed her Master’s degree in Organizational Development, Coaching and Supervision.

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Jany Barraut
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Jany Barraut

Jany Barraut is specialized in Change, Organizational Development and Learning, Jany has been working for 25 years with international organizations, multinational companies and governmental-bodies in various settings - highlighted by 10 years in Asia and a year in Africa. He has worked for Cadbury Plc as a transformation manager, and as a consultant, facilitator and change catalyst with various consultancies in roles focused on bringing change to life in a variety of business models.

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Filippo ‚Sketchy‘ Buzzini
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Filippo ‚Sketchy‘ Buzzini

Filippo Buzzini is a visual practitioner and facilitator who is passionate about helping clients and partners make sense of complexity and communicate more efficiently with the help of visuals and drawingsHe has experience working visually in 5 continents and 5 languages.Filippo holds a MA degree in History of Contemporary Societies and Geography from the University of Fribourg and previous professional experience in the non-profit, development cooperation and European educational programmes sectors.

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Alexandra Gavilano
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Alexandra Gavilano

Alexandra Gavilano is an environmental scientist and catalyst for a holistic and radical system change. She is widely experienced in bottom-up approaches for change within and between organisations, empowerment of individuals and groups as well as mediation, horizontal organisation, strategy and regenerative culture work for grassroots, social and environmental movements. Her focus lies on system change for environmental protection, strengthening of democratic decision-making, and personal and collective deep adaptation.

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Daniel Auf der Mauer
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Daniel Auf der Mauer

Daniel Remigius Auf der Mauer is a systemic coach, conflict counsellor, certified mediator and experienced group facilitator. He has a master’s degree summa cum laude in mediation and conflict management and has trained with international teachers such as William Ury, Lars Kirchhoff and Thomas Hübl in personal development, relational intelligence, trauma-informed conflict transformation and conflict psychology as well as systemic constellation work, relational somatic awareness methods and meditation.

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