Nora Refaeil catalyses conversations for systemic and sustainable change. Through facilitation/mediation, training and coaching, she works with individuals and leaders as well as communities and organisations who want to contribute to positive change. 

Her work includes support for transformation on an individual level as well on a cultural and structural level. She applies systems and complexity thinking to advance systemic change and consider dynamics such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, equity, power and history. 

She’s an attorney, mediator, coach, trainer and process facilitator with more than 20 years of experience working in complex contexts in Switzerland and abroad. She teaches at the University of Basel and various academies. She’s a Senior Associate with the International Peacebuilding Advisory Team with Interpeace, Geneva. Further, she’s the Vice President of the National Commission against Racism in Switzerland and member of the Board of INES (Institut Neue Schweiz).


Katalin Hausel


Barbara Seeger