


Catalyst Lab hosting team, mentors & experts


Sidsel Andersen
Practitioners, Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica Practitioners, Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica

Sidsel Andersen

Sidsel is a fish swimming in the waters of flow, through her soulful practice based on life lessons, she learned to deal with contradictions, suffering, failure – all that makes us human – to bring about transformation and regeneration on a deeper level. As an experienced facilitator, she uses grounding techniques paired with a practical approach to bring about real change. She specializes in addressing conflicts and tensions in group settings by creating profound interpersonal connections through conversation, while working on the individual, collective, and societal levels.

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Katalin Hausel
Practitioners, Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica Practitioners, Catalyst Lab Hosting Team collaboratio helvetica

Katalin Hausel

Katalin Hausel was born in Hungary, and spent the last 25 years living in many different places. Over the years, she has gained 3 Masters degrees (in history, in philosophy, and in fine art). After making and teaching art for more than a decade, she turned away from the art world in 2014, and joined the unMonastery, a social experiment in reimagining monastic communities for the 21st century, as a way to connect rural and urban ways of life. Ever since she has been working on various social transformation projects.

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