Alexandra Gavilano
Alexandra Gavilano is an environmental scientist and catalyst for a holistic and radical system change. She is widely experienced in bottom-up approaches for change within and between organisations, empowerment of individuals and groups as well as mediation, horizontal organisation, strategy and regenerative culture work for grassroots, social and environmental movements. Her focus lies on system change for environmental protection, strengthening of democratic decision-making, and personal and collective deep adaptation.
“As Margaret Mead said, ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.’ I do believe in empowerment of the people and that we, the people can create the needed transformation with empathy, trauma healing, open eyes towards our blindspots and openness to embrace life at its fullest.”
Regenerative culture | Deliberation and sortition for democratic decision-making | Conflict transformation | Mediation | Large and small group facilitation | Theory of U | “The Work that reconnects”
Former Participant of the Catalyst Lab