


Catalyst Lab hosting team, mentors & experts


Daniel Auf der Mauer
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Daniel Auf der Mauer

Daniel Remigius Auf der Mauer is a systemic coach, conflict counsellor, certified mediator and experienced group facilitator. He has a master’s degree summa cum laude in mediation and conflict management and has trained with international teachers such as William Ury, Lars Kirchhoff and Thomas Hübl in personal development, relational intelligence, trauma-informed conflict transformation and conflict psychology as well as systemic constellation work, relational somatic awareness methods and meditation.

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Elsa Hoessli
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Elsa Hoessli

As a dialogue facilitator, an image coach and a translator working for more than 10 years for the Federal Office for the Environment Elsa offers an expertise in communication and language services with a specialisation in the fields of environment and sustainability. She has a talent for conveying meaning and bringing out the essence be it by asking powerful questions, finding the right words or with visual means. She joined the Practitioners’ circle, collaboratio’s design & facilitation team in 2020.

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Luea Ritter
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Luea Ritter

Luea Ritter works internationally across sectors to guide design and transition processes that embrace the challenge and potential of our times. She thrives within complexity, and through a diverse medley of fields has developed a high sensitivity for context-based social dynamics.

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Christine Dürschner
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Christine Dürschner

Christine is a Holistic Coach - Focus Emotional Competence Development, Dialog Facilitator and ToF (Trainer of Dialogue Facilitators). In 2014 she founded her consulting firm BeziehungsDesign. Since 2017 she is part of the facilitator team of collaboratio helvetica and has played a decisive role in the Dialogue Training for facilitators. Mid-2019 start with Sidsel Andersen of the association "Alles ist Dialog" - Association for Dialogue Development.

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Sarah Friederich
Practitioners collaboratio helvetica Practitioners collaboratio helvetica

Sarah Friederich

Sarah Friederich is part of the hosting team of the Catalyst Lab at collaboratio helvetica. She has graduated as a social anthropologist and is trained as a coach and facilitator. She supports diverse projects with design and facilitation of events and group processes. For many years, she has gained experience working for NGOs and social organisations in the field of environmental and social justice in Switzerland and Bolivia.

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