Times of uncertainty, fast changes, and multiple and interrelated challenges require a high level of adaptability, meaningful responses, and congruence as individuals and teams. How do we learn and make sense of what just happened - being it an official success or failure? How do we capture valuable new thoughts or ideas? How do we integrate our learning and upgrade our parcours of action so that we adequately respond to complex dynamics?
At collaboratio helvetica we are dedicated to learning, sense-making, and creating and refining practices that help us surface and integrate these learnings on a personal, interpersonal, project, and organisational level for the path ahead. The Theory of Change (ToC) framework is supporting us as an evaluation tool designed to aid social innovation projects to plan, trace and evaluate their journey, in order to better sense and respond to emerging insights and contexts.
“If you know where you are going, if you are clear on the destination and how to get there, it may be that your clarity has fooled you into thinking you have traversed worlds when you have merely substituted familiarity and intelligibility for the uncomfortable yet transformative potential of bewilderment.” Bayo Akomolafe
In this workshop, you will be introduced to:
The Learning Ecology approach of collaboratio helvetica and its different phases
Why is it important when working with social change
What is a Theory of Change composed of, and how can we meaningfully use it
This workshop is part of the Catalyst Lab journey and is open for the interested public.
The costs are as follows:
CHF 20 for explorers (Members of collaboratio helvetica)
CHF 50 for friends and team members of Catalysts
CHF 100 for externals
The workshop will be facilitated by Katalin Hausel, Lead Learning Ecology, and Luea Ritter, co-host of the Catalyst Lab.
The workshop will take place online on Zoom.