Gender Lab

How can we, as individuals and organisations committed to transforming society, fully practice and embody Gender Equality?

The Gender Lab was the first Social Lab in Switzerland, the first Lab run by collaboratio helvetica and the first Social Lab on Gender Equality worldwide. Twenty Explorers from different organisations took part in 4 immersive retreats that formed the backbone of the Lab, alongside other activities like Dialogue Evenings. Participants were drawn from all over Switzerland, across different age groups, gender identities and sectors of work. The lab resulted in topic-related learnings, new skills, personal transformations and four prototypes. The learnings from our first pilot prepare us and the ecosystem for further work on SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and a potential second cycle of the Gender Lab.

Read more about this Social Innovation Lab and it’s results on our Gender Lab Page!

by Yvan Navrin

Interested to contribute?

We created three different ways of direct involvement in the lab:

  1. Explorers of the Gender Lab (see above) are the committed participants of the Lab who specialise and go more in depth. A next Gender Lab Cycle is currently in discussion.

  2. Members of the co-learning circle "Gender Lab circle" (30-80 people, commitment for the whole process, around 5h/month) are people who would like to learn alongside the explorers and to support the Lab with their knowledge, experience, time, skills or other resources.



Nora Wilhelm is Catalyst at collaboratio helvetica, a platform dedicated to opening spaces for dialogue, experimentation and collaboration to co-create the Switzerland we want to live in.
Nora is passionate about activating the full potential of people and organisations, and was recognised by UNESCO for her work as young leader. During her studies in International Affairs at the University of St. Gallen, Nora took on multiple roles in the European Youth Parliament and presided its Swiss node for two years.



Author, facilitator and social entrepreneur, Nicole Schwab co-founded a number of non-profit organisations active in the environmental and gender fields, including EDGE Certified Foundation, a global label certifying organisations for closing the gender gap in the workplace. She spent many years designing and facilitating collaborative processes for groups and organisations, weaving together a focus on unlocking group genius, with approaches that foster deep personal enquiry and wellbeing. More recently, she is bringing her combined experiences to Colaboratio Helvetica’s GenderLab. Her first novel, The Heart of the Labyrinth – soon to be turned into a feature film – has been acclaimed as a beautiful exploration of deep mind, offering a message of Earth-centered wisdom. Nicole blogs on the nature of reality and is on the board of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, and the Advisory Boards of The WellBeing Project and Treesisters.


We're very happy that Yan Luong, from foraus and one of the minds behind the Gender Equality Hackathon in Geneva, is a joining the Gender Lab as a Steward. Here's why: "Recent (and older) news show that Switzerland still has a long way to go for what regards gender and diversity challenges. We need change to happen from within."


Wisdom Council Gender Lab


Supporters & Partners

Das Eidgenössische Büro für die Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann unterstützt das Projekt mit Finanzhilfen nach dem Gleichstellungsgesetz.


Work Money Well-Being Lab


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